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PK appeal


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Character's name & rank:  Hendrik Kürtz Oberstleutnant des 1. kaisergarde "Hendrik Baumer"

SteamID32: STEAM_0:1:237050404

Staff member who issued the PK (if you know):  Leo

Explain why you were PK'd: I went to the car dealer to pick up my new car and suddenly 3 Lapo members starting randomly shooting my tires out , because i didn't want their bullshit i kept on driving to the Lapo station. Upon my passing off the Lapo station i was held under gunpoint by about 7 mingy Lapo , i got out of my vehicle in order to try and converse with the men , they didn't listen . They surrounded me with about 8 men , suddenly 6 of my men came around the corner running towards us in order to help me from the rogue lapo members . One off my men had his gun not on safety which made the lapo officers ask him to put in on safety , he was kind off slow but he eventually put his weapon on safety. After my KG member put his weapon on safety a lapo member stabbed and killed him from behind prompting a firefight to occur , since i heard shots and it was really chaotic i starting letting shots off with my pistol prompting me to get shot aswell.

Why should you be un-PK'd? I think the reason Leo PKed me was for FearRP , while i was in fact under fearRP at the time the fact that the lapo members started stabbing my men from behind means that they started a fight and fearRP should no longer be applicable since they started it . The Lapo members could've detained the KG member instead but they did not and started a fight which led to bloodshed.

Additional Information: The person who requested my PK was "Maximilian Eisenherz" a former KG Oberst until he got kicked out of the KG by the Interior minister, so i guess he was kind off butthurt.

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Hello, I'm the person who requested the PK on your character "Hendrik Kürtz".

Firstly, I'd like to thank you for making this PK Appeal so I can expose you for lying out of your teeth in an attempt to revert your PK appeal.

Firstly, police were chasing you because you decided to evade arrest, where you then rammed a police car. Your vehicle was subsequently boxxed by Landespolizei vehicles. Obviously, evading arrest, then ramming a police car is grounds for lawful detainment. In the clip, we can see that only one tire was actually punctured unlike the MULTIPLE tires you claim were shot by minges; likely due to the fact you were evading arrest at the time. Anyways, so we come out of our vehicles and put you under FearRP and attempted to detain you. This is where the FearRP starts.


For some reason, you decided to try and walk your way out of it despite being held at gunpoint by 7 - 8 police officers.  You jumped over someone's head and tried to walk away. I could've shot you, but I wanted to RP out your arrest instead. Two members of the KG eventually come to your aid; obviously they were still outnumbered but one of them started pointing his weapon at us. I obviously back away, in fear of my life, and he refused to put his weapon down. So he had to be neutralized, in safety of everyone else.


Even after this, nobody shot at you or anything and we immediately aimed our guns back at you to detain you again and bring you to a cell. This is where you decided it would be a great idea to pull your pistol out and start a gunfight. YOU started the gunfight, nobody else did from either the Kaisergarde or the Landespolizei. In the process, you were put down by the Landespolizei - and lost your life. You were severely outnumbered too, so I don't know what went in your mind.


You could've just taken the arrest and sit in a cell for 15 minutes before you would be let go - maybe you could've tried to counter sue or maybe you could've exerted some form of "revenge". Instead, you took a high risk low reward chance and lost. 


It's really pathetic to lie in an appeal that Upper Administration would be grading, but that's just me. I wouldn't go that far for a LARP server. 


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You failed to abide by fear RP and you died.

You also started a gun fight and died.

This makes you fall under the PK guidelines:

Being killed while not abiding by Fear-RP [PK]

Dying after initiating a shoot-out

You were given more than enough time to comply with the seven to eight police officers who were surrounding you, pointing guns at you and attempting to arrest you.

Overall Oblivionist's response perfectly explains the entire situation.

I'd recommend reading the PK guidelines if you want to avoid situations like this in the future.

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