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Crusader ban appeal


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Your Name: Crusader

SteamID32: STEAM_0:0:536406770

Appeal Type: Apology/Dispute, something in between.

Which staff member banned you?: Valyy

How long is your ban for?: Permanent

Why were you banned?: Trying to use an alt to fill activity in the Volkswatch and got permanent banned, original ban was 3d.

Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: I believe my permanent ban was a little too much since I have been dedicated to Prometheus Networks since 2021 and wish to be apart of this community further, I was shocked about the permanent ban given to me after trying to get in and immediately getting met with a permanent ban on all of my accounts, I do not deny using an Alt account to bypass my ban to larp but still, I still don't excuse what I did to deserve my 3d ban for NITRP, Nor do I excuse myself from using an alt account, both of them were wrong but Im still sorry for doing what I did and wish to return to this community and keep on larping as I usually did and not get in trouble with staff team or anyone else. Ive only had a few past offences on Prometheus (Mainly for RDM in 2021-2022) and some recently for Ltarp and NITRP but I still wish to return to this community and im sorry for attempting to bypass a fair ban given to me by Valyy for NITRP, but I believe me just wanting to larp on an alt to fill activity should not be a permanent ban but just maybe 14-15 day ban instead. But like I said, none of this excuses me for my offences of NITRP and whatever the hell other PO's I have, This is just an apology/dispute for my permanent ban which I believe is overkill.
God bless and have a Nice day.

Additional Information: N/A

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4 minutes ago, Crusader said:

I believe me just wanting to larp on an alt to fill activity should not be a permanent ban but just maybe 14-15 day ban instead.

This is a really odd thing to say. You were banned, you admit to doing what you were banned for, and you admit to trying to evade the ban. Even if you think the reason for trying to evade your ban is acceptable, it's not. Bans aren't something you get to circumvent if you think the reason's good enough.

I have no idea why your appeal is anything other than an apology.

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I dont think this needs input from me...

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"Oh yea guys so I'm sorry, I won't do it again" 

*Proceeds to join on an alt account*

Edited by Da Epic Goose
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18 hours ago, Crusader said:

maybe 14-15 day ban

man tbh it sounds like you took a gamble and lost epically I don't even know if a truly heartfelt apology could of gotten you out of this one I agree a permanent ban is certainly more than I would have thought you would get and for your sake I hope you get unbanned but like I said you burnt yourself willingly good luck dude

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You can make a new ban appeal in two weeks.

For your next ban appeal, I'd recommend just writing an apology.

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