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PK Appeal


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Character's name & rank: Oberst Johan Karlsefni

SteamID32: STEAM_0:0:526256772

Staff member who issued the PK (if you know):  Hound 

Explain why you were PK'd:

The following was as I was told by hound is a UA approval/Greif PK

     The day the the former chief of the Luftwaffe Leopold Dreyfus, was transferred out and relinquished his position to the now current chief Walbert Lentz. The former chief informed me that I should become the new deputy when Walbert takes command, he said was to inform him if I am not made the deputy because he saw that I was a good candidate for the position.  The next day rolls around and It comes to my attention that I was not made the deputy and someone else was. I formed a good relationship with the former chief and thought of him as an ally so I took him up on his suggestion and informed him that I was not made deputy so me and him went to go talk to walbert. the conversation between walbert and the former chief now justice minister went very terrible. The justice minister did nothing but hurl threats at walbert in particular a warrant that had been outstanding. The former leading state secretary had made a warrant for him that was never carried out entirely. after more threats from the justice minister he left and went back to his office and told walbert that if he wants the warrant gone he should make me deputy and come back to his office when that happens. After hes gone myself walbert and another mgd guy went into a room to talk things out. I went over multiple points and made arguments why I was better for the position and in the end walbert conceited and made me deputy. We then went to the justice minister to get the warrant dismissed and walbert's name cleared up. It proceeded to turn into a long argument of if the warrant is even valid we pulled in NSB command staff lapo and other extras. I showed the justice minister the warrant and made multiple points myself on why it isn't valid effectviely defending walbert's name. after all this eventually the warrant was thrown out of the window meaning walbert was no longer in any sort of trouble legally and could not be touched. the day after I get dragged off by 4 lufwaffe COs and the general blindfolded and shot 

Why should you be un-PK'd?:

     I think there are multiple things that are wrong with this scenario the first one being I have zero control over what Ich bin says. I had no idea the way he was going to push for me to get the position of deputy of the luftwaffe was to dangle a warrant over the chiefs face make threats implying he could get shot for what he was doing. Because I was not in the loop I could not stop or advise ich bin to not do something like that because it would be my life at risk. But as it played out I died for someone elses actions and by no means am I placing all the blame on Ich bin its just the fact that it was not me saying that I would take him to court or the NSB and get him killed I was requesting assistance from the former chief someone we both served under and I thought respect would be show but it was not and threats were thrown around instead but perhaps it could have been talked out before I went to Ich bin but this rolls on to my next point. 

     After Lentz had talked to me personally I did not come off as anything but a friend I did not take any approach to have this warrant fulfilled or see him put before a firing line. I made sure to go with Lentz to Ich bin and get the warrant thrown out and I feel we reached an acceptable result. this guideline I feel the guideline here was violated and was not followed, Attempt to resolve the matter using other means which don't involve PKing first, unless it is deemed impossible, and agreed upon by the approving staff member. The whole pk was carried out after the fact I helped to get rid of his warrant and made sure that there would be no more attempts to take him in. I would completely understand if this was carried out yesterday before we went to the justice minister but it is just redundant and makes no sense to kill me after Lentz is absolutely safe and secured. I thought after the multiple talks between me and lentz then ich bin later would have been enough for him to not want to kill me. 

     While this situation was advantageous for myself I did nothing but make attempts to convince lentz to make me the deputy. Unlike Ich bin I used reasoning not threats and while lentz had it in the back of his head that the warrant was there for reasons stated above it just makes no sense to me that I could be killed for the situation after the fact that everything was all patched up between us. There could not have been to last resort because we already had reached a compromise between all parties. It was not my own actions that entirely resulted in my death and considering the compromised reached I feel this pk is invalid. 

Additional Information: 

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So this entire situation started when I appointed my deputy chief. When I appointed my Deputy, Johan was clearly not happy, so he went to the Justice Minister, former Luftwaffe Chief (Ich Bin), seeking his support to gain power in the Luftwaffe. They both entered the Warplanning room wanting to talk to me about something. They engaged the situation by asserting that I made the wrong call in appointing my Deputy instead of Johan (Skips). They claimed that Johan had been nothing but loyal to the Luftwaffe and active in its rebuilding efforts. I responded by acknowledging Johan's contributions but stating that I found the appointed individual more suitable for the position. I expressed my trust in them to represent me in Cabinet if I were to become Minister of Air Defence and to represent me in other situations and meetings better than Johan could. In response to this, the Minister of Justice brought up an active warrant for my arrest and warned of consequences if I didn't reconsider my decision. Throughout this exchange, Johan (Skips) made no attempts to intervene or stop the Minister. Instead, he argued with me that my current deputy was useless, citing his frequent absences, and insisted that he was a better fit for all scenarios.

Adding onto this
, Ich Bin told me that when I changed my mind that I would head to his office for us to figure out the Warrant situation, I headed over there with Skips coming with me to talk with the Justice Minister, when I enter his office we start the conversation with me saying that I appointed Skips as my deputy and he said I made the right decision, he then brings up the topic about my warrant and starts looking for it, which is where he said hes lost it, when Skips hears this he says he got a copy of it so he does a /me digs through pockets and hands Ich Bin the warrant.

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So yes I did not say a word when you were getting grilled by the minister. As you know its hard to get a word its a two man back and forth between you being defensive and him showing aggravation. After he left I did mention to you multiple times that I did not know of his intentions. As for me handing him the warrant it was the subject we were attempting to clear. Had nobody have found the warrant there was no guarantee to it being dismissed because while it could not be found it was still a known active warrant by a handful of the NSB and LAPO  by giving him the warrant advocating for it to be dismissed I ensured that there would be no future problems I fail to see where you were so backed into a corner that you had to kill me 

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Now you say that you couldnt get a word in our argument but you could always raise your voice and backup the guy that you stated in this appeal, you say that you meant no harm but you still stand by and let someone blackmail me, you claim that a handful of NSB and Lapo knew of this warrant but when the entire Command of NSB ( 3 Generals ) and the Lapo Chief was called to the office to confirm this warrant, they said that they didnt know of this warrant at all nor did they have a case file on me related to this situation or any other situation.

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the warrant has been served before, numerous advertisements in game were sent out telling you to turn yourselves in I myself specifically remember a scenario of saving you from the men trying to execute the warrant. the entire command of the NSB is not just 3 generals its all the COs below him. This was stated my the Justice minister and you yourself confirmed that the warrant was served previously just because some of the nsb command staff couldnt pull their heads out from their asses does dismiss the warrant. What dismisses the warrant is the justice minister and nobody else seeing how we reached a resolution and you were no longer in trouble 

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You were very blatant about the warrant, which you openly discussed in front of a room of people, and weren't exactly coy about using it to advance yourself. The PK was carried out appropriately in accordance with guidelines concerning Grief.

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