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PK appeal


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Character's name & rank: Oberfeldwebel Wulfhardt Dunkel

SteamID32: STEAM_0:1:609013387

Staff member who issued the PK (if you know):  Solomons

Explain why you were PK'd:

its started by my fellow friend shooting me by mistake by the lake he said that it was a missclick. but the lapo guys were bored so they decided that they want to arrest him. while they were dragging him i walked with them when  they went inside they locked the doors and told me to walk out  i was being nice with them but they blocked my way out started to insult me and ofc i talked back. then they said that i was disrespecting a general so they decided to detain me while i was walking out i was kinda mad cus i was being civil with them but they cornered me with weapons and i punched and in that case they shot me 


i dont think i should have been pk just because they were feeling bored so they made a huge deal about it then they locked the door and started insulting me   

Edited by IQpipe
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Hello, you were PK'ed according to this evidence



UA will pass the verdict

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You were surrounded by four police officers, with two of them pointing their guns at you.

These police officers attempted to arrest you for disrespecting a General ranking officer.

They gave you a clear order not to move while you were under fear RP.

You decided not to abide by fear RP and show clear disregard for your life by punching the police officers who were aiming guns at you.

You fell under the PK guideline:

Being killed while not abiding by Fear-RP

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