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Lector Muller's PK


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Character's name & rank: Chef der Lowngruppe & Adjutant Zugleiter Lector Muller 

SteamID32: STEAM_0:1:157822374

Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): Solomons, Lawson

Explain why you were PK'd:  The reason I was PK'd was because I used my radio while being arrested.

Why should you be un-PK'd?: I shouldn't of been PK’d under Fear RP because I had my weapon out at all times after being pulled into a sit I was told I was being PK’d I asked where in the rules under Fearrp does it say I can’t push a panic button and he had no reply I asked Oberkommissar Gronny Lonk if he’d like to settle this any other way but he replied with he was on a streak of pk’s and he’d like to continue with my one. Now if we could of sorted this out any other way I’d of been more than compliant to do so it’s just about the fact that he’s seeking to pk people and isn’t looking to resolve the problem at hand. My argument in the short term is I said that I had no idea pushing a panic button was against the rules at all, because I read the rules before making the panic button so that I’d not break them and there's nothing in the rules stating I’m breaking fearrp or any rule.

Additional Information: 
The clip provided by Gronny only shows half of the story if I could I’d like to request a full review of the entire clip. 


Here was the clip provided. 

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Hi I'm Lawson the administrator that approved the PK after being sent the clip i could clearly see you surround by LAPO with there guns on you. when being arrested you chose to say into you radio " panic button panic button " this action is were you broke FRP

also please keep any ingame speak of this in LOOC not /w 




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So to start off with the rule:

8. If you are actively holding a weapon in your hand, FearRP does not apply and you may retaliate (even if it is on safety, E+R)

This rule mostly depends on the context of the situation. For example, if one person is holding you under fear RP while your weapon is on safety, you won't fall under fear RP.

But in the clip provided, you can see four police officers surrounding you in a prisoner diamond, with three of them pointing guns at you and trying to arrest you.

In that situation, having your gun out on safety would not exempt you from fear RP at that point if that was your way of thinking when going into situations that is more rule playing than roleplaying.

Using your radio while you are under fear RP is breaking fear RP, and in this situation, you broke fear RP and you died.

This makes you fall under the PK guideline:

Being killed while not abiding by Fear-RP

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