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Trusted Application


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Steam Name: hambugler

SteamID32: STEAM_0:1:551360735

Discord Username/ID: hambugler

Are you VIP?: Yes

Time Played (Check in-game using !time): 1w 6d 4h 44m (had longer before reset)

Characters Name & Rank, and a brief explanation of their duties:

Vizegeneralstaatsanwalt Karl Hofbaüer (Unterstaatsekretar)Helps co-run the General-Attorney's office with the Generalstaatsanwalt, investigates and prosecutes serious crimes, ensures the District Attorney's are actively recruiting and running their District smoothly.

Regierungsrat Richard Müller (main): Does weapon deals for the MOI & Military (rarely volkswatch), recruits/promotes, and assists with most financial funding for the Ministry to help factory building and other projects run smoother.

Regierungsrat Horatio TurbotAmbassador to Japan, former CO in the marines, and writes letters back to Germany normally weekly or every 5 days.

NSB-Polizeihauptmeister Karl MerkerHelps out with some investigations in the NSB as well as occasionally helping people transferring transfer over to the NSB. (Plans on transferring to LaPo soon which would make it more common for recruiting.)

Edit: Direktor der GPA Presseburo on Josef Krausser (ministerialrat) Josef Krausser:  Direktor der GPA Presseburo in the Party and will be building the office from the ground up.

What will you use the trusted rank for?: I'm on late at nights and when staff is normally least present, this is when im normally recruiting and RPing. I would use the trusted role solely for this and to make sure my recruits and people I promote are put into their faction and correct uniform smoother instead of waiting sometimes a half-hour for staff.

Staff Recommendations: None.

Edited by Hambugler
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+1 has quite a few chars that could use trusted. Good luck 

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Edit: I am now the Direktor der GPA Presseburo on Josef Krausser (ministerialrat)

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I've seen that since you returned from your perma ban, you have not received any infractions.

But I'd like to see you go at least another month or two without any infractions before I consider accepting this application.

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