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Hans Hunnebun Ban Appeal

Hans Hunnebun

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Your Name: Hans Hunnebun             ic: Hans Arnold

SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX): 76561199217449980

Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Apology

Which staff member banned you?: Hound

How long is your ban for?:perma

Why were you banned?:  "degenerate" , not sure

Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: I think i deserve to unbanned because i'm not even sure why I got banned to start with.  When I played Promeheus I was a Major in the Military intelligence as Hans Arnold . A little bit after I switched to the party courts I got perma banned. I had quite a lot of time invested into the server and played it as much as I could. I also had another char that was bar certified and a lawyer name Demal Jemetrius. Within my whole course on this server I never really wanted to minge or do anything stupid to get PERMA banned. If I did get unbanned I would continue to rp and respect the rules of the server. I was in the party courts with brownpug for that short time and took everything pretty serious .Around 4 months ago I joined Lord Vagues server and was one of the victims that got banned for legit nothing I was aware of. I never made any remarks toward the owner of the server and only played LordVagues server to see what it was and have a bit of fun as I was friends with most the people playing it.

Additional Information: 

I have been rping for quite some time and had a blast on prom


Edited by Hans Hunnebun
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I'll say the same thing I told you in our DMs; we do not just ban people simply for associating with another server. When we banned people who associated with that server, bans were issued based on conduct we personally witnessed (such as calling our entire UA team pedophiles or spamming our Discord servers with invites)

You're appealing on the basis that it's been months since your ban, and that we don't remember exactly what you did or said to receive the ban. 

Either be forthcoming about what you did to receive the ban, or don't bother making an appeal.

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"Behold, my heart cries: Wo unto this people. Come out in judgment, O God, and hide their sins, and wickedness, and abominations from before thy face!"

Moroni 9:15

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