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Introduction Information Section
Steam Name:

SteamID32: STEAM_0:0:148823728

Discord Username/ID: Hanzdaman

Timezone: EST

Age: 24

Time Played (check with !time): 7d 05h 20m (More on old server)

Your current rank(User/Donator/Trusted): Donator

Do you have a mic & will you use it?: Yes and I will.

Are you consistently active on the forums and server?: I am very active on the server and can be more active on the forums.

Did anyone from the Recruitment Team assist you in making your application?: Doofles

Staff Recommendations (Sponsors will be asked to verify): jeffy and claymore


Basic Information Section

How long have you been roleplaying?:

I have been roleplaying for around 12 years in GMOD and outside.


Have you received any infractions i.e. Notes/Bans? If so, what were they for and what could you have done to prevent getting them next time?:

No infractions or notes!

Staff Knowledge Section
What previous experience do you have as a staff member either within Garry’s Mod or the Nutscript Gamemode?

Almost a decade back I was a Manager for an SCP-RP server with over 80 players a day. I was active for a few months where my duties would include reviewing the forums for applications, ban appeals, etc. I would be in charge of voting on these as well as discussing them with the other head admins/managers. Moreover, I would moderate in-game and provide admin cits.


Why do you believe we should pick you for the Prometheus Networks Staff Team?[300 words or more]:

I believe that I should be picked for the staff team for a handful of reasons. The first reason is due to my activity, I am on almost every day and for multiple hours at a time. This means I would be able to actively play as both my IC players and also moderate. I have experience with the rules of the server and have been an active member without having any infractions. I am a passionate and kind person and I have no issues remaining unbiased yet authoritative. I enjoy solving problems and as such I don't mind taking extra time out of my day to ensure something is done right the first time. 

If I were to become staff I would ensure that the values and rules of Prometheus are upheld with kindness and compassion. Furthermore, my dedication to continuous learning and improvement makes me a valuable asset to Prometheus Networks. This server is constantly evolving, and I take pride in going along with these evolutions and finding strength in them. I regularly participate in server events and a wide stretching realm of expertise from my IC Characters, such as a Lawyer, Judge, Military, and Civilian. Moreover, due to my large pool of knowledge, I can more accurately assess and deal with a variety of situations admins are called to deal with.

Finally, I am dedicated to working as a team and I bring a strong commitment to teamwork and communication. I believe that the success of any team hinges on the ability of its team members to work together harmoniously and share information effectively. Of course, there will be arguments as life tends to do, but I am dedicated to being a hard-working member of the Staff Team in all capacities.

In conclusion, I would be very honoured to join the staff team and assist this already upstanding and fine team with the addition of my skills. I very much hope you consider me for the position, and that I might be able to learn more in time!

What are the duties and responsibilities of the position you are applying for in your own words? [150 Words or more]:

The duties of the Staff team are to be taking tickets and ensure the community follows the rules and guidelines set out. Our job is to maintain the server's playability and to deal with any rulebreakers swiftly and justly. The staff team is meant to be upstanding in character and morals, and to be seen as pillars of the community to look up to as role models. This means and requires staff-members to be professional and set an example AT ALL TIMES! This means not goofing off and being just like any other civilian. The core and most abundant members of the staff team are the Moderators who are the bulk responders to common issues such as RDM and PK requests. All in all, the duties and responsibilities for the position of Moderator would be not only to take tickets (although this is the bulk) but to be an upstanding member of this wonderful community and be a shinning beacon of light.


Edited by JobuJoestar
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Friendly and active.
I have seen you RP on the server. 
Decent app.

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+1                  Great guy. Would fit well within staff

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Good guy here. +1

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+1 Would make a reasonable Admin


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Very friendly and humble guy, would be a good fit for staff.

Also very active

Edited by Jack
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Great Guy.

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I have had only great interactions, and good things to say.

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+1 the accent gets better every day

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Apply again in two weeks.

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