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I've done wrong...

Latter-Day Sniper

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Your Name: tinyfoot3000 was my original account, but my new one is Latter-Day Sniper

SteamID32: STEAM_0:1:455406225 for the old one, but for the new one is STEAM_0:1:865667400

Appeal Type: Apology 

Which staff member banned you?: lordvague

How long is your ban for?: Permanent

Why were you banned?: LTARP | RDM | Breaking NLR | Take a break 😄

Why do you deserve to be unbanned?:  

   I shall not pretend or try to deceive anyone who reads my words, for I've done wrong against both Whoreson and the community itself in the past, and I can comprehend why many of you may not desire my return upon the server. However, I have grown and matured over the many both prosperous and hard years of my life, and I do know that this may sound cliche, but I do believe that I have changed for the better. 
   And I do acknowledge that these words which you will read may seem like nonsense to you, just the words of a dishonest charlatan, who has hardened his heart against you and is trying to trick you, so that he may betray you all once again. Yet, I wish to plead with you that I am not such a man anymore and I have seen the light. So, I plead with all whom will peruse this here apology, as your fellow human being, to look deep in your hearts to grant me forgiveness, for I come before you as the prodigal son did with his father. Still, I will not be angered if you refuse to, and I'll respect your decision.

  “Come on dear brother since the war is past, 
   For friends at first are friends again at last.”

Charles Wesley, prominent English poet and hymn writer.

Additional Information: 
    Sadly, my original account, tinyfoot3000, was hacked ,therefore I have no longer access to it, so I have to use this new account which I made a week ago, Latter-Day Sniper.


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You can re-appeal in two weeks. Try not to shit post next time and actually write a coherent ban appeal.

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