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Green Marine PK appeal

Green Marine

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Character's name & rank:  Oskar Mackenson Luftwaffe Underfeldwebel

SteamID32:Steam ID: 76561197984541255

Staff member who issued the PK (if you know):  IDK

Explain why you were PK'd: I was in the bank with the rest of the Luftwaffe and the FM when a random LAPO tries to detain me and I get shot dead when everyone else had their guns up in a standoff he didnt even try to talk to me just tried to put cuffs on me.

Why should you be un-PK'd?: I should not have been PK as I wasnt the only one to be killed but only one to be PK? I dont understand and once I dieded the entire bank turned into a gunfight. I just think it is a very weird reason for me to be PK I just respawn get dragged to a admin he tells me im PK and just kills me without saying anything else. There was no time for someone to report it he must have been just hoping to catch the first one to die and PK them for "breaking arrest rp" RP was never even engaged and some random enlisted LAPO the ONLY LAPO around tries to randomly ziptie me he also tried to do the same with other people int he bank without saying a word.

Additional Information: I was in a big group of like 8 Luftwaffe and everyone can agree they didnt even try to engage arrest RP.

Edited by Green Marine
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  • Green Marine changed the title to Green Marine PK appeal


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