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HeyMister Appeal


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Name: Hey_Mister/ Erich Von TIschbier

SteamID32: STEAM_0:1:450813301

Staff Member who issued the Flag Blacklist: SerHound

Explain why your flags were blacklisted: Attempted to arrest a member of VW at Reichstag. When officers went inside to discuss we stayed out the door where i started spawning small steel beams in front of the guard to, as a bit,  bribe him. Got ripped from the sky and called a faggot then banned for two days.

Explain why your flags should be unblacklisted: First offense, literally maybe 5-10 hours on the server before flags were taken plus admin was very rude. Was a Sat so I understand brothers load was probably filled with other groypers but dont think shit was justifiable for a pema revokable. If it is anything in hindsight I apologize for adding to it in the sit by being a smartass

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Edited by Hey_Mister
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2 hours ago, Hey_Mister said:

First offense, literally maybe 5-10 hours on the server before flags were taken plus admin was very rude. Was a Sat so I understand brothers load was probably filled with other groypers but dont think shit was justifiable for a pema revokable.

Hello. Yesterday, Marki came to me on your behalf and asked that I return your Pet flags. I said that'd be fine as you seemed understanding of what you did wrong and why it wasn't okay.

You were spamming props in a doorway in the middle of an argument. That you only had them for a few hours or whatever makes zero difference to me, as you even got a player stuck. "Negotiating" by spamming props in a doorway is idiotic, and you are an idiot for (1) doing it in the first place, and (2) trying to play it off like it's valid roleplay.

You could've just said you were being a troll.


I will accept this and return your flags, but the ban will remain on your record, and it will be much longer for repeat offenses.

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