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Cäsar Mayr König PK Appeal.


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Character's name & rank: Chefinspektor Cäsar Mayr König

SteamID32: STEAM_0:1:198293921

Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): Aurelius of Pheonix

Explain why you were PK'd:
 I was FearRP PKed during an incident outside of the Landespolizei station between the Landespolizei, Kaiserguard, and Heer. Whilst pointing my gun at a member of the Heer a car came and ran me over from behind which caused my body to ragdoll. Which a Heer soldier used as an opportunity to grab my body, drag me away during the madness. He took me to the back of the Reichstag. Whilst I was ragdolled he did not say anything to me or make me aware of the situation I was about to be in, therefore when he finally let me go I immediately backed away from the soldier unaware of my situation or what was going on, and got a distance of between 5 meters from the Soldier.


Then, at this distance, the solider decided to take his weapon off safety and begin to jump towards me telling me to "stop moving" with his gun aiming at me, which caused me by seeing him pull his weapon out, to pull my pistol out, which then caused the jumping soldier to shoot me and end this short and bizarre situation.

Why should you be un-PK'd?: 
I believe I should be UnPKed as this situation was incredibly quick on my end; I was unaware of what was going on the majority of the time and when I got up the only interaction I received was a Heer soldier with his gun on safety, and then him jumping at me saying don't move; I had no time to react and only did what I thought was necessary with the amount of time I was up and alive. I know reflecting on it I should not have taken my gun out as he was jumping at me closing the distance; however, with how little time I had I did not realize the situation appropriately. Therefore I believe I should be UnPKed as I feel it is incredibly harsh due to the lack of interaction I received, and the overall hastiness of the situation.


Thanks for your time 🙂


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Hi, I was the staff member who looked over and oversaw your PK. I want to thank you for utilizing the forums and putting their purpose to use by making an appeal for your character. There are a few underlying issues that you missed in your appeal, and all will be pointed out in this response.

Firstly, to clarify, you were sent the clip through and notified in regards to this PK. You used the screenshot from said clip. The full clip will be posted at the end of the reply to give insight as to why you were pked. In said clip, you discharge your weapon in an open crowd, which could possibly initiate a gunfight. You are then run over and rag-dolled by a car (said car wasn't attempting to VDM). In said situation, you're carried away by a member of the Heer and are laid to get up. Then you're put under gunpoint (he unsafety his gun a second after you look at him) and clearly given instructions to "not move." You back up and aim a weapon while under Fear RP, and your character is shot.

You clearly violated Rule 5 in the Gov PK Guidelines, stating, "Being Killed while not Abiding by Fear Rp." You were under gunpoint and were given orders, and you pulled a weapon out. You may have been unaware, but clear orders were given to stop moving while you had a gun pointed at you clearly in your line of sight, and you pulled your weapon out. In your own words,

"I had no time to react and only did what I thought was necessary with the amount of time I was up and alive."

And what you did was in clear violation of the aforementioned rule 5. You showed you had no care for your character's life, and that resulted in your PK.


full Clip: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/i1xSIJg1SLOfuGP6m/NJPauGGjc3oW?invite=cr-MSx3QXEsMjgwODk5OTYs?mobilebypass=true

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Hey, Aurelius of Pheonix,

Thanks for the reply. I understand where you're coming from but I believe differently.

Firstly, I was given the order clearly in the video to "not move" by the time I was already moving and at a good distance away from the soldier as shown in the image sent; therefore applying the fact I didn't value my life by moving is false. As seen in the video when he finally took his weapon off safety and pointed it towards me - I was already in the motion of stepping back and away from him.

Secondly, I was not put under gunpoint in the situation until 2 seconds after I was put down; I had already seen him before I turned around. Which makes me feel that stating "I was under gunpoint" and "clearly given instructions" a "second after looking at him" is an unfair rhetoric and not true. I was only given instructions after I made the distance between him and after he decided to unsafety his weapon.

Furthermore, I would like to add that this situation was a maximum of 4 seconds long with 2 seconds of it not having weapons aimed. This gave me 2 seconds, on Gmod, and a 100 ping to hear what the Heer Soldier was saying, stop what I was doing, and comply. When I began to hear what he was saying to me I was already in the motion of pulling my weapon out and moving back at the same time. It is not as if I heard what the soldier said, had time to think of what to do, and then did it breaking FearRP - I had two seconds which from my perspective was getting off a black screen, backing up from this Heer soldier without a weapon out; seeing his weapon on safety, then him jumping towards me with it off safety saying don't move to me (again only heard it effectively once due to the timing) before I got my weapon out in retaliation to his unsafety of his weapon and then got shot - which again, all happened in the space of 4 seconds. The situation overall was far too hasty to enable an effective PK and the interaction I had beforehand was poor. If the Heer soldier spoke to me whilst ragdolled or when I was getting up I would have complied much easier as I would have been aware of what was going on. However, none of that happened and I was left in an awkward, weird spot that I had no control over.

Finally, I'd just like to say that I believe I have not broken rule 5 - FearRP due to the fact I did not have sufficient time to show care for my character as it all happened far too quickly for me to react appropriately and I had no idea of what was occurring due to me not getting told of what situation my character was in whilst until It was too late, which ultimately did not give me the chance to show care for my character.

Once again thanks for the reply; won't reply again unless asked.

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You were shot because you pulled out a gun and pointed it at the guy. If you pull out a gun on an already drawn weapon you can always expect to get shot regardless of if you think its happening too quickly.

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Hi Gary,

I understand and thanks for the message. 

Before I answer that I’d like to mention that  10 seconds before this I had already shot a member of the Heer as seen in the video for tying up members of the Police - with me only stopping due to a car hitting me randomly. 

I pulled my weapon out as I saw a Heer member unsafety his weapon and start jumping at me. In the video it sounds clear as day but from my perspective in-game I only managed to hear him effectively once whilst I was already drawing my pistol.


Throughout this entire situation, I had already shot a member of the military , as Aurelius said which can lead to a de-rank as it is technically initiating a gunfight, which am fine with and understand. However I feel due to the complete lack of interaction I received, speed it all happened and the fact I got at a distance from the Heer solider before he started jumping at me I believe it shouldn’t be a PK. Lastly would like to add that the entire situation itself was just incredibly poor RP - again all that happened was that a situation was cut short by a car ramming me and it ended up with this random soldier, picking my ragdolled body which I had no control over - saying nothing to me until I heard don’t move once, and was shot. I pulled my pistol out yes, but not sure if the video does me justice here but id like to reiterate that all I could see was a man jumping at me and I heard don’t move once, whilst I was already in the process of pulling out my pistol.



Edited by arghmychest
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yeah like gary said you gotta be careful if you pull out a weapon lol, you coulda pk him instead

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It should be a PK under normal circumstances but the fact that he lol-dragged his body like that to just take him away is just laughable in order to put him under gunpoint, I have seen appeals get accepted and voided altogether because the RP was dogshit, JFK shootings or other silly shit, but ultimately I believe the UA should review all comments made on it as well as how the man was first put in that situation.

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Your character will be unbanned and demoted 2 ranks to Polizeiinspektor. NLR is applied to the character as well. Make a ticket to have your character restored.

Side Note: For future interactions, reminder that it can not be used as an excuse in these roleplay situations.

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