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seal's ban appeal


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Your Name: seal

SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX):  STEAM_0:1:634073286

Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): dispute

Which staff member banned you?:  hound

How long is your ban for?: permanently

Why were you banned?:  community exile

Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: i didnt do anything wrong, i just was apart of another server and yall didnt like it so yall chose to ban me... but then you unban lord vague.

Additional Information: 

Edited by seal
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Edited by veers
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Hilarity. You were not banned for "being apart of another server". You were banned because you actively helped with:

  1. Running a server that was actively using assets which didn't belong to you, such as Whoreson's model.
  2. Allowing/encouraging members of your community to spread false, malicious rumors about Prometheus UA being "doxxers and pedophiles."

I find it funny that you reference LordVague, as if we made a decision to just randomly unban him and not you. LordVague wrote a sincere apology, whereas you feel entitled to an unban because you're hoping we don't remember what you actually did.

You can leave the appeal as is if you really want to, but if you want anything positive to come from this, I strongly recommend you reformat this into a sincere apology. Let's shoot for 500 words minimum.

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15 hours ago, seal said:


Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: i didnt do anything wrong, i just was apart of another server and yall didnt like it so yall chose to ban me... but then you unban lord vague.


lord vague put more than 2 minutes of effort into the unban if i remember correctly hes appeal was over 500 words yours is 29 please put some effort in 


will change if you respond with anything other than ... but then you unban lord vague

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1 hour ago, Hound said:

Allowing/encouraging members of your community to spread false, malicious rumors about Prometheus UA being "doxxers and pedophiles."

ive never said any of that, i stayed away from that stuff so it wasnt me who said any of that

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yeah, i did use it lol but i had nothning to do with thye devolpement either, i just was simply there for the ride 

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1 minute ago, seal said:

ive never said any of that, i stayed away from that stuff so it wasnt me who said any of that

I didn't say you directly said it, but you allowed and encouraged the behavior.

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5 hours ago, Hound said:

I didn't say you directly said it, but you allowed and encouraged the behavior.

i never encouraged anything... like i said, i stayed away from that stuff, the reason being is i didnt want to be apart of it, so thats no way me encouraging or allowing anything.

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get a job

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Low effort appeal, low effort comment on my part.
I feel like story is missing here.

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Stupid cunt 

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2 hours ago, Major Whoreson said:

Stupid cunt 

can say the same to you whoreson you fucking cunt

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I've known Seal for a long time now, and he is a wonderful person. I don't believe he has it in his heart to do something as bad as this. 

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41 minutes ago, seal said:

can say the same to you whoreson you fucking cunt

I'm not the smelly fishy cunt who is begging to be unbanned from a place that hates her. Disgusting muppet.

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1 hour ago, Major Whoreson said:

I'm not the smelly fishy cunt who is begging to be unbanned from a place that hates her. Disgusting muppet.

LMAO nobody is begging, i just wanan come back to troll but saying i smell like that is sorrttaa weeeeirddd

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2 hours ago, thegame0829cat said:


I've known Seal for a long time now, and he is a wonderful person. I don't believe he has it in his heart to do something as bad as this. 

me when i lie, seal is a female..

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Appeal in 14 days time with the word count exceeding 500 words. 

If you decide to appeal again and fail to meet the work count, your application will be denied and you will be restricted from appealing until approval is granted from a member of Upper Administration. Put more effort in next time.

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