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Your Name: Balbarian

SteamID32: STEAM_0:1:495539526

Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Apology

Which staff member banned you?: Coffee

How long is your ban for?: Permanent

Why were you banned?: Massive PO's and Metapromo.

Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: 

First and Foremost, I reach out to every individual member of the Prometheus community who has to Put up with my Behavior. I'd like to personally give thanks to Hound for allowing me to Re Appeal after my Many, many chances in the past before, as well as apologize to him for the Damages i've inflicted on the community as a Result. I apologize to Major Whoreson, What I've done to not only you but what you've built is outright disrespectful. I've always known, yet never acted as someone who did. I always chose to stay blinded by my clear ignorance, and it showed. I apologize to Verax, not only for the actions I committed but the disrespect and hateful comments I directed your way when you were  only trying to Improve the community while I was tearing it up. I apologize to Donzoko, I lied to you, alot, the promotions, the faction changes, all of it. I used you, and I plead with you to forgive me. I apologize to Virus, I can't count how many times i've tried to pull something on you and it would never work, and end up backfiring, terribly, you were always detail oriented, and I respected that, even when I was punished by you, I knew I deserved it, you made that very clear, that's why I stayed away from messing with you, I learned that from our time in the LSS all those years ago. Lastly, Coffee, I thought I could get something to slide past you yet most of the time you caught up to my schemes, in the end it ended in your favor you were always there to help me, yet I never grabbed onto your hand, instead spitting on it and going back to how I used to be. 


These are among the few who still work alongside the server to improve it, yet not the Many who I've tainted with distasteful and foul contempt. There are alot of you, and I hope you can forgive me, for all that I have done. 


I must give something back to the Community and help it grow and flourish. Ever since my time on the server began, I always figured out a way to gain an Unfair advantage in Situations, Both ICly and OOCly. Whether it be Promotions, Others I didn't like being PKed, Myself being saved from PK situations, ETC. ETC. I know how to slither around under the radar, undetected. That is something I can only obtain from experience being a cockroach. With this I plead with you to let me Assist the server, and make it Impenetrable. I know the Cracks in the System, and how to exploit them because I used them, as well as how to Patch them and create an Unbreakable Seal.


It's Over, All of it, the Games, the Lies, the Second Chances. All of It. That's all Over now. 



I Ask for One, Final, Opportunity to Prove Myself and Show my Worth.

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Every time you come back, you just get banned again for failrp or raging like a retard you🫃 🤡 

Give it a rest and go play something else fat fuck

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Prometheus is usually up there with the more fair communities in terms of relinquishing permanent bans and exiles after a given amount of time alongside taking into consideration the severity of what can lead up to these decisions. I'm just gonna say that if this gets denied again you should read the room and move on man, find some hobbies or find a new server / game to play. 

Also this appeal sucks, you're just making a fool out of yourself and groveling like a freak. (Also, who the fuck unironically capitalizes every other word in a sentence)

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2 hours ago, Slickb said:

Every time you come back, you just get banned again for failrp or raging like a retard you🫃 🤡 

Well said, +1

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idk man.
You seem to have a record of getting banned and not learning from your mistakes.

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All in all and I mean this in your best interest in mind...I think a break from RP/Gmod will do you a huge favor. 

After all the raging and minging I think you should take a break and put down Gmod a while longer. 

Neutral/-1 leaning


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I find this to be quite HILARIOUS.  I stand with @spiralMy partner in crime

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Edited by Browniemeister
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I am a big supporter of second chances I got my second chance to come back and I have been doing well since then. 
I was going to then support your appeal, until I looked through your bans and there is more bans here for the most stupid reasons.
You do not contribute and I cannot see you contributing to this community in a positive manner. 
Maybe it's time to take a break for a couple years or at least until your medication stabilizes. 

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On 6/10/2024 at 8:13 AM, balbarian said:

That is something I can only obtain from experience being a cockroach.

Seek a medical professional. 

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Please play responsibly.

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