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Angel's PK Appeal.


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Character's name & rank: NSB-Oberpolizeiinspektor Silas von Ribbentrop

SteamID32: STEAM_0:1526798699

Staff member who issued the PK (if you know):  Coffee

Explain why you were PK'd:  "Initiating a gunfight."

Why should you be un-PK'd?: In this video, you can see the Bootsmann with his MP40 out aiming it at various people, a couple of people present in the video, ordered him to put his gun down. He aimed it around at several people, causing them to scatter. In a real life situation, if someone is running around with a heavy weapon out, aiming it at people, POLICE aren't going to yell drop the gun after the suspect has aimed it at them several times. They have full authorization to return fire. This is exactly what ran through my mind, when I saw this individual aiming his weapon at people, thus giving reason to use deadly force. That, in real life, is how police/military would respond to a suspect aiming a weapon at them multiple times. After I fired towards the person, I took cover, and then yielded my weapon, and attempted to depart the area, but was shot after. I yielded my weapon believing the individual ran inside the base, and that there was no reason to continue firing, potentially hitting people behind the target. 


Additional Information: Video from the Bootsmann's POV.


Edited by Angel
  • KEKW 1
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Hello I was the staff member who issued the PK.

The reasoning for your PK was because you initiated a gun fight outside the ICC, which led to a large gunfight outside the ICC.

You were the first person to shoot in this situation therefore, you caused this gunfight to happen.

If you had not shot first and continued to try to arrest the people you were going after, this whole situation would have been avoided.

You fell under the PK guideline:

Dying after initiating a shoot-out

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I wasn’t  trying to arrest anyone, didn’t try to tie him. I Was simply trying to speak with the guy, and then he started waving his weapon around, provoking others, and people ordered him to put his gun down


Not shooting first with someone aiming a weapon is asking for death to take you. You cannot determine when it is right to fire upon an active threat with intent to harm, until he shows that intent to harm, and that was shown when he raised his weapon. He aimed his weapon multiple times, at multiple people, proving to be a threat to the people in the area, he was told to drop his gun, lower it, etc. He continued to aim it at people, so deadly force was used. 


If he would have complied with basic weapon safety, listened to the orders of people around him, and not handled himself in an aggressive and dangerous manner, this whole situation would have been avoided. 


Edited by Angel
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