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Ghosting props

your pocket hoovy

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Description of the idea:  Ghosting Props

Why should this be added?: Anti Prop Minge, ghosts props that are frozen within people, disables prop damage (anti Prop Kill)

What negatives could this have?: Cant prop push AFK Players

Additional information: N/A

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Pocket,

Good idea and good suggestion. There is already an "anti-prop kill" feature where props, when they are falling, fall slowly, making them less likely to flatten you.


- Sinex

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  • 2 weeks later...


It looks a hell of a lot like a darkrp if you do that lol

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This has already been in the server at one point, and it was a very big hinderance, there's a reason why props are behind a pay wall and are highly regulated.


Also if people are going to minge they will just continue to do it with ragdolls or dropped items.

Edited by Layheeee
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  • 2 weeks later...


This is not necessary if people want to abuse their props they will have their prop perms taken away from them.

It's rare that players abuse their prop perms considering they paid real money to have prop perms.

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