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Your Name: Kitz Wulf

SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX): https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198070696589/

Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Windows 11 sucks ass.

Which staff member banned you?: Coffee.

How long is your ban for?: 3 days

Why were you banned?: NITRP

Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: What server or global rule did I break to be banned?
Please quote it directly from the rules here> Community Rules - Prometheus Networks Wiki (prn.gg)

Additional Information: I broke into Baumer's play pen and pressed the secret button after my friend told me "ThErE's NO Ua oN PResS it PuSSy!" After I pressed the button and with the speed of a thousand autists Coffee instantly teleported to me and froze me. I told him I was sorry for pressing the button this has been my first time inside the building. He told me I was getting a note, I then promptly asked "can I press the button one more time" which triggered him. He then gave me a ban for 3 days.


  • Confused 1
  • Disabled 1
  • Devastated 1
  • Cringe 1
  • Retard 3
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Hello, I was the staff member who banned you.

The reasoning for your ban was because you broke into the Pantheon and started pressing the buttons.

One of the buttons you pressed announced that Hendrik Baumer would be coming into the city, which caused a lot of confusion within the server at the time.

There is also a sign in the Pantheon button room, which makes it very clear that you should NOT be inside that room and Upper Administration is only permitted to be inside that room.

You chose to ignore this and pressed the buttons anyway.

Originally, I was going to give you a note for this, but you then you started asking to press the buttons again after I had told you that you were going to be receiving a note.

This made it clear to me that what you did was very intentional and you did not really care about the consequences, so I decided a ban would be more necessary.

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You're right and from you point I can understand what I did would make problems for other people's RP, I'm sorry for causing trouble. Ban's only less than another day I have no problem serving it.

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But when you obviously wait as long as possible to respond just so it will get denied that shows clear malicious intent towards my appeal. I can understand considering the context of my appeal with it being somewhat comical, however you intentional ignored it until now, this is very unprofessional.

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You continue to do stupid shit to get yourself banned.


Denied, Read the rules before coming back onto the server. (Also your ban is expired now) 

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