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the ban appeal


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Your Name: moody


Appeal Type (Dispute)

Which staff member banned you?: Beach

How long is your ban for?: 5 days

Why were you banned?: At around 2AM after a 3 hour court trial with multiple interruptions and mass rdmings taking place, My colleague and I were finally sentenced to a PK by being put in a penal battalion and being sent to Italy, we waited an extra 30 mins for some UA to show up and PK us both, but since it was the middle of the night no one was going to getting on. Wanting to end this i asked the richter presiding over the trial if i could just delete my character and go to bed as it seemed no one was getting on for the PK, the Richter (Leading state secretary Leonard Grosl) just said yes as everyone was tired and wanted this IRS debacle to end so we all could sleep, it wasnt till later that i got banned for 5 days for "LTARP"

Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: Because despite the fact I cooperated the whole time and RP'ed the whole time during a 3 hour court trial while others were using OOC terms and attempting to break rules during the trial. I was one of few to stay the whole time till the end of the trial. When the trial started there were 4 of us on trial, by the end only 2 remained since they both left the game without punishment, it feels unfair that me and my colleague were the only two people in the whole court room to get banned after we had already accepted the sentence and was willing to take the death penalty. I never had any intention of leaving to avoid RP, as i was one of the few people there who larped the whole 3 hours despite people trying to mass RDM during it. There wasnt going to be a big sendoff, i wasnt going to be executed by firing squad or other execution method, i was just waiting for a staff sit to PK me. Just about everyone in the room was fine with what i did as Beach wasnt in the room when i asked everyone present, i never had any intention to avoid roleplay as at no point did i break character to actively avoid an RP situation.

Additional Information: I larped till the end. feel free to ask for clarification

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Hello Moody 

Thank you for using the forums to appeal your ban. 
I am was the staff member who oversaw the application of your PK. 
You were in a court trial and had been sentenced to frontline service at the yugo front. 
As I was in a sit room with the Judge approving your PK you took it upon yourself to delete your character. 
The Administration and Application of PK's is up to staff to carry out. By you deciding to take that upon yourself you avoided the punishment. 
The other individual that was with you also suffered the same punishment for deleting his character. 

Thanks I hope you can learn from this incident. 

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I'll make this clear, while I understand that it was late and the trial took a long time you cannot just delete your character.

You must go through the correct staff approval and procedure for your PK to be valid and done correctly.

What you should of done in this situation, was make a ticket and ask if you were allowed to delete your character or for a staff member to get the PK done because you needed to go because it was late for you.

Leonhardt Graßl cannot approve for you to delete your character as he is not a staff member.

This was a staff issue therefore it's a situation that needs to be handled by a member of staff and Leonhardt Graßl is not a member of staff.

Do not take these situations into your own hands next time.

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