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Kitz Wolf Ban Appeal


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Your Name: Kitz Wolf

SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:1:55215430

Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Dispute

Which staff member banned you?: Saito

How long is your ban for?: A month.

Why were you banned?: Global Rule 13

Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: Right off the bat I did not ERP with anyone there was never a report made on myself on anyone else involved. I want to apologize in advance for the words used in this ban appeal but I'm being forced to write it because of neglect from staff.

Members of the DRK had ratted to the NSB on another DRK member saying he was
"putting buttplugs inside people" (to my knowledge he never did this at least in front of me). This caused my friend in the DRK to get detained, he broke fear RP and was killed, later - the DRK members that got my friend killed were later boasting in the hospital about having him killed. Myself and others made a staff ticket to get revenge and murder these people that got our friend killed. During the staff meeting we had said these DRK members had lied about us. Saito had checked our logs and accused us of "lying" he then froze and gagged me while I was trying to explain myself, I was very confused. It turns out Saito was looking at a log from my previous session in the early morning of the 19th at 1:30 am EST the morning where I did this https://gyazo.com/8dfb7d8a38c43ae0a9fd60e9f4ac8efb there was NO ERP. Saito (if looking at the logs properly) He could have easily looked just like I did and notice that the things I said in this screenshot were at 1:30 am EST and not in the evening sometime around 7-8 pm EST (same day) and had nothing to do with the situation that this alleged ERP happened. Down below is a video that I will link that shows the entire altercation where me and Gregory House "allegedly" 2 other members of the DRK (who also were involved yet not banned) committed ERP on someone. In the video you can clearly see at least from my perspective that nobody in the room mentioned anything about a buttplug or did /me inserts a buttplug. If anything, this video shows no ERP happened whatsoever or anything like that even occurred, and that the allegations of someone inserting a buttplug during this situation never even happened. The only thing that I remotely said about a buttplug was something that happened the super early in the day at 1:30am before the situation above. The only reason I did the /me in the screenshot was because we were goofing around unboxing medical supplies privately with no one around to our knowledge since it was so early in the morning and we were just trying to be funny and there was no ERP which again can easily be confirmed by looking at logs. https://gyazo.com/8dfb7d8a38c43ae0a9fd60e9f4ac8efb again this was to be funny, which is again NOT ERP and can easily be proven was not said during the altercation in the video and that Saito clearly did not check the logs properly when using this evidence to falsely ban me for what I can assume is simply boiled down to negligence and blame shifting, calling myself and the others liars when again its easily proved we aren't.

Additional information: Here's the video 


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Hi! I was the Senioradministrator who issued your Ban!

First and foremost

There has never and will never be a reason to Roleplay with topics where sexualized themes are involved. This is called ERP for a reason. Refer to Global Rule 13


While investigating this issue, when looking at the logs together with @Seiker, we've determined that you and another person have actively participated and roleplayed a situation where you've "for the lack of a better word, Presented "fresh" buttplugs"

Your part, even if it is not active in terms of insertion, is still seen as active participation by how you roleplayed the situation.


When in the Staff sit, you first requested together with two other people a PK on a Member of the DRK for "ratting" one another out to the NSB for saying that you guys are "inserting buttplugs" into people, keep in mind while acting completely disgusted by such action.
Later after being confronted with the situation, you still denied of such a situation. After being confronted with us having evidence, you then informed us that you didn't "actively" insert buttplugs".
This quickly changed into you not being in the room while the Roleplay being present despite having done a "/me unboxes fresh buttplugs". This ended with you trying to say that the Military is throwing "Dildo's over their ICC walls trying to deflect, and later you accepted your ban.

It is clear to Seiker and me that you've taken a defensive stance by lying to us even after being asked about this.
I intended to request a Permanent ban on you because you've violated a Global Rule, and I ask the UA extend it as such.


I hope UA will extend the ban to permanent.

Thank you for appealing to our Forums!

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While I understand being a little goofy in the early hours, that is not an excuse to be roleplaying about 'butt plugs.' Of course you may not know this, but this whole 'butt plug' stuff has spiraled into a much bigger issue involving a bigger group that we now have to clean up, which is exactly why we do not allow this kind of roleplay in the first place. Saito was not in the wrong for issuing this ban.

You are not permitted to submit any further disputes regarding this ban. However, you may make another appeal apologizing for your actions in no less than 1 week from today.

This appeal is denied.

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