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Apples flag appeal


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Name:  Applestrange/ Cornelius Klein

SteamID32:  STEAM_1:0:11101

Staff Member who issued the Flag Blacklist:  Seiker

Explain why your flags were blacklisted: I was fishing with an auto clicker and opened the spawn menu out of boredom. I forgot my auto clicker was on, so I started spamming things, mostly an Iron Eagle with a swastika at the bottom of the pond. I stopped fishing and was trying to figure out what I spawned in, so I spawned it out of the pond, and an admin saw and told me not to do it, which, in my defense, I did not do because I didn't have my headphones on so I got pulled into a room and got my flags taken away. 

Explain why your flags should be unblacklisted:  First offense ever (with flags). I have had flags for about eight months now. I didn't get a very good chance to explain myself, and the admin was kind of rude, which I totally understand because people were causing problems earlier, but I truly was not trying to cause any problems. Plus, I don't think what I did was worth a perma revokable.

Additional Information: 
sorry bout that 

Edited by Applestrange
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That is not a Steamid32. Please fix it or this appeal will be deleted.

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where could I find my steam 32 id

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7 minutes ago, Applestrange said:

where could I find my steam 32 id

The ID that is formatted like STEAM_0:X:XXX

You can use websites like https://steamid.io/lookup to find it

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thank you

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Denied.  You can reappeal in 2 weeks

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