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Derekforthewin Ban Appeal


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Your Name:  Derekforthewin 


SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:1:634291598


Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute):  More Apology than disputing


Which staff member banned you?: Major Whoreson


How long is your ban for?: Perma


Why were you banned?: 

🍑 reacting an announcement of an actors death.


Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: Now looking back on this I do understand the reason for this ban. That was a dumb act of me, I have learned that lesson. I mainly just want to say sorry to anyone who was affected by this, I know that this won't help my reason for being unbanned but truly, I have tried different servers after being banned from Prometheus. All of them didnt work out the best. Prometheus is the only server that can run and not fail in two days. I also do understand this is past the 72 hour limit, I just felt like something needed to be said about my case. I hope that my act didn't hurt anybody, and I hope that eventually I will be back on Prometheus, changed but for the better. Have a nice day to whoever reads this. 

*Update: This is regarding Whoreson. Major Whoreson, believe me I know what it is like to have an actor you like die. If that did hurt your feelings, I am truly sorry. I just felt like it needed to have a thorough apology to you since you made the announcement and I did the stupid stuff on it for some reason. Have a great rest of your day.


Additional Information: None, just that I would like to play prometheus again.

Edited by Derekforthewin
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Forgot to mention it was this dude


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