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Your Name: Armin Applejack

SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX): 327970907/STEAM_0:1:163985453

Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Dispute

Which staff member banned you?: Leo

How long is your ban for?: 4 days

Why were you banned?: NITRP/ARDM

Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: A soldier decided to call over me and 4 other civs, he wanted to give us rifles and then have us shoot at a parade up on the RS. I took his rifle and ammo, however I never shot it or even aimed it at anybody. Logs should prove my innocence. 

Additional Information: None

Edited by racistgirl2012
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I thought I already unbanned you, my sincere apologies. didn't see your latest message.

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Youve been unbanned case closed.

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