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Localshowershitters Ban Appeal


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SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:76561199433832481

Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Dispute

Which staff member banned you?: Luc Jasyarsest

How long is your ban for?: 5 days 

Why were you banned?: I guess for rdm?

Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: First and foremost, I was banned for following orders my NCO told me, or at least that's what I hope, because the only other offense I committed was killing a civilian who was killing people in the subway while me and my NCO were looking for recruits. I was given zero warning. I only killed three people, one out of defense and order by my NCO and the other two to save a civilian from being rdmd, And instead of telling me the offense i committed to be banned for 5 days the admin just wrote idiot like that will somehow enlighten me on what i did wrong.

Additional Information: Due to me not being able to insert the image of him just calling me a idiot as the reason i will gladly DM it to anyone who is curious. Honestly I'm not mad at Luc i understand why he did what he did but I'm afraid he needs to not jump to the worse case scenario when he sees someone defending themselves. 

Edited by localshowershitter
  • KEKW 1
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yeah no you weren't defended yourself you were being a moron in the civilian spawn. Someone who obviously had an autoclicker on was afk and you repeatedly shot him 3 times as well as shooting two other civilians in there for quite literally no reason.  i think its obvious not to walk into the train station and shoot a civilian punching the air constantly and then killing other people in there because you were "defending" yourself. Gain some brain cells or apologize for breaking the rules.... your choice. 

  • KEKW 1
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Any game clip would prove this false. I shot and killed a civilian after he ran over and attempted to kill my NCO. Not only did I wait for confirmation, but I only shot him after my NCO said, "Execute this man." As for the other 2 people I killed, they were different people, 2 different people who, from my perspective, were beating a civilian to death. If it were actually such a big problem, I killed 2 people who were idiotically beating someone to death without reason. I think my NCO would have told me, And maybe instead of calling me an idiot, actually give me a reason for why I was banned, or maybe a sit, at least I had zero chance to tell people why I killed three people, and it only skipped to the worst-case scenario; not even my fellow patrol mates had any idea why I was banned. 

  • Clown 1
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Appeal in 3 days with an apology. 

After speaking with Cravfe you deserved to be banned.

  • Chad 1
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