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PickleJuice78 Ban Appeal


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Your Name: PickleJuice78

SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX):  STEAM_0:1:93957133

Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): I am sorry for advertising a failed server

Which staff member banned you?:  Hound

How long is your ban for?:  Perma

Why were you banned?: advertisement 

Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: Because i deserve one last chance to prove myself that i can follow the rules and become a better player and person within the community. Once i do get unbanned i will play by the rules and follow the rules and listen to staff. I didnt mean to advertise a server i was told to do it or i will be perma banned off the server that i advertise. And i will not do it again once i am unbanned. And i am sorry for making lots of trouble to the community and making it hard on players that wanted to rp instead of being killed for reason but this time i read the rules and read it over 5 times to make sure i got everything.

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Edited by picklejuice78
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Wo unto the liar, for he shall be thrust down to hell. 

 2 Nephi 9:34


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didnt you get banned for hacking?


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didnt you get banned for hacking?


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13 hours ago, picklejuice78 said:

Because i deserve one last chance to prove myself that i can follow the rules and become a better player and person within the community.

I don't think so. The first time you did it, I gave you a stern warning. Didn't take you more than a few weeks to try it again. Looks to me like you've been given all the chances anyone would ever need.

  • Chad 1
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asking for another chance is not a reasonable excuse for a PERMA ban. You also seem completely unapologetic pushing the blame towards others, and lack of structure and appropriate grammar. seems to me as if you just wrote this all without thinking of it at all.

in 30 days you should properly rewrite this.

  • KEKW 1
  • Chad 1
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Reappeal with a better apology in 30 days

  • KEKW 1
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