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Link1o's Staff Application


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Introduction Information Section

Steam Name: Link1o


SteamID32: STEAM_0:1:460259667 


Discord Username/ID: Link1o


Timezone: EST


Age: 17


Time Played (check with !time): 1mo 4w 1d 16h 33m (It reset recently so I am using an old written down amount + my current)


Your current rank(User/Donator/Trusted): Trusted


Do you have a mic & will you use it?: Yes


Are you consistently active on the forums and server?: Yes


Did anyone from the Recruitment Team assist you in making your application?: Doofles


Staff Recommendations (Sponsors will be asked to verify): Doofles


Basic Information Section


IC Character names, ranks, and brief overview of their duties/everyday activities in a list format:


- Unterfeldwebel Vaughn Dashner, Tasked with the Security of the Ministry of Interior and the internal government of the Kaiser.


-Wehrmann Klaus von Liebesglanz, Tasked with being the manpower faction of the party, the security of the Reichstag, and the Ideological defense of the nation.


- NSB-Polizeihauptdiener Jack von Keiffer, Tasked with the security of domestic intelligence of the Kaiser’s government and its peoples


-Assistent Ulrich von Tübingen, Tasked with adjudicating cases within the Landesgericht as a Richter.


-Grenadier Zed Tjobak, Tasked with the safety of the infantry on the battlefield as a combat medic.


How long have you been roleplaying?: about 2 years or more on prometheus.


Have you received any infractions i.e Notes/Bans? If so, what were they for and what could you have done to prevent getting them next time?: Since this was my first foray into Gmod RP I have had an OK amount of notes and bans in the past, but all of these have been mistakes that I went back and tried my best to fix. After years on this server I can say I am no longer receiving infractions. I have been banned for RDM twice but those were both mistakes made over 5 months ago that I paid for and will not make again.


Staff Knowledge Section


What previous experience do you have as a staff member either within Garry’s Mod or the Nutscript Gamemode? Previous staff on Thoris, Athena, and Pax.


Why do you believe we should pick you for the Prometheus Networks Staff Team?: I am really just asking for a chance to learn how to be staff, seeing as I really do have a love for helping out the community and helping Roleplay flow effortlessly.

I really do think that this community is a wonderful place, I have met some incredibly funny and well-meaning people here. People like Saito, Milde, Calloway, Expert, etc. are honestly wonderful people. And knowing that I could help maintain a community that promotes people like this and actively discourages behavior that rots away at everyone else's fun would be great.


I joined this server initially because I have always been interested in WWII, but really I stayed because it is the only place I know of that so flawlessly provides the Roleplay I love. The fact that people are able to write documents that actually affect the everyday activities of other players is crazy. And the amount of nuance in it is astronomical. So being able to be part of the process that makes that possible would be wonderful.


When I joined the server I had no idea what I was doing, it was my first ever Gmod RP and I hadn’t ever heard of any of the terms people were using like FearRP and RDM. But when I first joined an admin by the name of Gigachad helped me understand what to do. He led me to join the Military and later the MoI, and he helped me rise my way through the ranks. He is even the person who bought me VIP because I wanted to be able to use the tool-gun for certs. Sadly Gigachad is not here anymore yet the Staff team around now is still holding up this tradition of helping new players out in any possible way. If I am staff that is what I want to do especially: help others have the fun experiences I was offered, by helping them navigate this increasingly nuanced server(especially now that it is less grounded in history).

Considering the fact that I enjoy all of that more than even the roleplay itself, and that It has been 5 months since my 2 bans, I really do think I would be an active and helpful part of the staff team!


What are the duties and responsibilities of the position you are applying for in your own words?: My first duty is to learn how to properly moderate the server, and exactly what duties I have. While I am sure I understand what the jist is for staff duties, I am also sure I don’t know all of them. 


My second duty is to prove myself, I know that staff have a weekly quota and I wanna do my best to attempt to double that in the first few weeks, making sure to take as many tickets as possible. 

My third duty would be the normal staff activities, once I get a ticket I either solve the person’s problem, answer their question, or respond to their report. 

Whether it is simply a door name change or something bigger like an RDM ticket, I must try my best to sort out these issues as they come along.


Another duty is to be there so that when people ask questions, when someone says something gross in chat, or when someone is mic-spamming or exploiting, I can quickly react and do my best to get roleplay back on track.

Edited by Valorant
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Doofles is a great guy and his recommendation is making me +1 I trust his judgement. Good luck lil guy!

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+1 I am willing to give him a chance, and with staff training and guidance, I think he will be a good staff member.

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+1 lot of playtime and good app

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Good application with integrity and a want to learn, with some work I think they could prosper on the Prometheus staff team.

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