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ThreeAM Ban Appeal


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Your Name: ThreeAM

SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:0:32360632

Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Dispute

Which staff member banned you?: @Layheeee

How long is your ban for?: 7 Days

Why were you banned?: NITRP

Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: I was getting detained by a LAPO and was trying to escape but apparently trying to escape is NITRP, i didn't even get a warning by Layheeeee but just a straight up ban, i'm tired of staff member like this who get upset when RP doesn't go their way and they ban people left and right.

I believe that Layheeeee wrongfully banned me and gave himself 2 seconds to decide i didn't want to RP, i would've liked to at least have gotten warning or anything, one tiny small thing didn't work and he bans. staff member who RP that way do not deserve to be staff.

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Edited by ThreeAM
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Hello i was the staff member that banned you.

I was apart of the original group of Lapo that arrested you and brought you directly into custody, during so you showed no regard for FearRP when under gunpoint and kept ignoring the RP and your charges. After trying to put you into a cell and close it for more then 3 minutes while you kept running out of the cell while under gunpoint and blind folded. I explained to you finally if you continued you would be getting a punishment (OOC) you then promptly continued to try and escape the cell. I then checked your PO's and noticed you not only have a warn for Minging but you were also already coming back from a 7 day ban and had extensive ban history. At this point i made the decision that you had not intent to RP and just ride the line and cause issues.

You did not show any remorse or change of actions when i warned you the several times during our entire interaction with the arrest starting from the train station and ending in the Lapo cell's.

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