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Smooth Ban Appeal


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Your Name: Smooth

SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX):  898033562

Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Apology

Which staff member banned you?:  Seiker & Console

How long is your ban for?: Permanent (Previously 1 week)

Why were you banned?: I first got banned because of Global Rule 1 (1 week), Then I tried to join with an alt (big mistake) and I got permabanned on my alt and main.

Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: When Joining the server I didn't know anything about Global Rule 1 (I still don't)  however I got banned for a week and since I now decided to check the website for bans I find out that people got less time for global rule 1, then I tried joining with an alt which I am very sorry for and shouldn't have done. I don't know if I deserve to be unbanned because I know what I did was wrong.

Additional Information: I wanted to play since my friend was playing on the server and had invited me so I tried to bypass the ban using an alt which I am sorry for.

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Wrong steam id format

  • Chad 1
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No, people don't get a lot less for global rule one. Normally global rule one is a perma ban. Half of the staff team doesn't understand what global rule one even is and will ban for 3 days for you saying like the n word or something. Anyways what did you actually get banned for? What did you actually do? 

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Hello. I am the staff member that banned you.

You were saying in voice chat "I hate the jews we need to kill the jews I kill the jews" in that specific order.

I initially banned you for little time and then I changed my mind with second opinions from senior staff members to have your ban extended to 1 WEEK for the severity and the repetition of what you said.

I think this ban is perfectly fair.

  • Chad 1
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Posted (edited)

@SeikerI didn't say that. I got banned right after I said Sieg Heil after some people were saying it. STEAM_0:0:449016781
Do you have any proof of me saying  "I hate the jews we need to kill the jews I kill the jews" in that specific order? Because I find this very much made up.

Edited by Smooth
  • Devastated 1
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Denied. you can reeappeal in 2 weeks

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