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Alex Steinbeck PK Appeal

Freaky Fast Alexz

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Character's name & rank:  Assistant Alex Steinbeck



Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): Chris Christie

Explain why you were PK'd: I ran away after he said he was going to eat me (No I am not joking). I first told to leave which I did, then I was told to stop moving which I did, and then when I was shot at twice I ran back to avoid the bullets coming way. Chris went on to say if I catch you I will eat you and made reference that it would be pk if he kills me

Why should you be un-PK'd?: I ran the Workers Digest news and I was given permission 3 times by members of the Luftwaffe and Heer after I showed them my ID and my inventory to be inside the first ring of security to cover the news event at the MFA buidling. I was not inside the building but reporting from the outside. Now this is my main character. Everyone knows me as the Workers Digest news guy who covers all things Berlin. Since I started this character and the paper with it, I have been told by tens of people that they love my reporting and appreciate what I do in advertising chat. In that time I have always tried to be the most respectful I can, I never try to get in fights. I just write about what I see and hear and it makes people enjoy it. People have enjoyed it so much that the Ministry of Truth hired me to be a state-sanctioned reporter because they liked what I was doing role play wise. Now yes some people think I break laws and commit crimes for my reporting but I will say that is false and I have never been charged with anything. In fact, I had permission to be where I was doing what I love doing. I have other characters I enjoy but it is nowhere as much as I love the Alex Steinbeck account and what it brings rp wise. I really hope this can be reversed so I can play on it again and have a shot at doing my reporting RP because it brings fun to me and countless other people.

Additional Information:  I promise I am not a minge and really just want to passive rp of my reporting.

  • KEKW 1
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If I remember correctly, you were told to leave by others, I simply heard them and also told you to leave. You then took out a camera and took a picture of all of us and someone ordered you detained. You immediately ran and I told you to stop running, and that if you kept running and perished you would not wake up. An RP way of saying it would be a PK through the PK guidelines.


I don't mind you being unPKd, but you are definitely misconstruing what happened to you. Next time probably don't run when you're surrounded by twenty people with guns.

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On 7/2/2024 at 11:24 PM, Major Whoreson said:

If I remember correctly, you were told to leave by others, I simply heard them and also told you to leave. You then took out a camera and took a picture of all of us and someone ordered you detained. You immediately ran and I told you to stop running, and that if you kept running and perished you would not wake up. An RP way of saying it would be a PK through the PK guidelines.


I don't mind you being unPKd, but you are definitely misconstruing what happened to you. Next time probably don't run when you're surrounded by twenty people with guns.

I honestly could not hear anything there was so much screaming going on that I only heard the order to leave what I think was the second time after I took the picture. The military were cool with me being in there too so I didn't realize who was even trying to detain me since they weren't in the detainment circle. After I got shot at after I left the area, I thought someone was trying to kill me so that is entirely my bad! I truly apologize for my actions I will admit I was being dumb and did not truly understand the situation at hand going on in front of me and interpreted it as a joke or meme I did not understand!

Edited by Freaky Fast Alexz
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Ensure next time you don't break FearRP when being surrounded by 20 people. Consider this a warning.

You have been unPKd.

  • Chad 1
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