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Panzers face models


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Description of the idea: Panzers having different face models for example them not having the basic male 09 faces, and having the old face model, the bald playermodel and the neckbeard model. https://ibb.co/MnS6xfT

Why should this be added?: To add more diversity in the panzers and im tired of looking at them and i feel like im just looking at a bunch of clone troopers, the only thing stopping me joining panzers is wearing the same face as everybody else in the panzers, its harder to tell the person considering they all have the 09 male.

What negatives could this have?: none and there is more  positives  then negatives.

Additional information: maybe keeping the mustache would be nice.

Edited by deformedcat
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Hi deformedcat

Yeah the panzers faces look like they've gone through surgery and got botched. Sound idea and good suggestion. 

Really hope to see this.


- Sinex

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Chief of the Panzers here, please for the love of god add this, not only that also fix our arms please they are very broken especially when doing any kind of anim 😭 I literally lost a recruit once because of the face too.
- Adamski (Frank)

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+1 I don't think it would hurt to have more face models for panzers.


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  • 3 weeks later...


There must be a reason why there isn't different face model's but I still really love to see them come to the berlin.

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  • 2 weeks later...


The models are awsome but the fact that only one face can be used is sad, deffinetly need some new ones

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I would love to have an actual face on my panzer character, Great idea if it’s possible.

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better faces. better rp.

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  On 8/1/2024 at 4:22 PM, Layheeee said:

There must be a reason why there isn't different face model's


As someone who makes playermodels for gmod, the main problem is that evey face have different head and neck size, so the person who makes models for this server would have to spend couple of hours / couple of days to fit the uniform and headgear for every face model. It sounds pretty easy but it's actually very monotonous and time-consuming. There will be soon an update for Heer models on the steam workshop which will have better shoudlerboards, ammo puches, holsters, hats etc. so maybe it's better to wait for that update first so panzers could actually get new faces along with updated stuff.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  On 8/19/2024 at 7:59 PM, NotVeryLucid said:


better faces. better rp.


^ +1

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This should have been done AGES AGO.

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