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Correct salary of marines


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Description of the idea: Salary of marine Enlisted, NCO's and CO's should be corrected. They only make 35 DM each "cycle", while even enlisted of the other branches make significantly more.

Why should this be added?: The pay for the different military branches should be the same, and should only change with rank, not branch. It is not fair for the marines to get a salary that is several times lower than the other branches

What negatives could this have?: I do not see any negatives

Additional information: N/A

Edited by w1ndStrik3
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This is a valid point, many factions have this issue - however the problem is that the salaries are scripted in with the player models, so some CO's get paid NCO salaries and so on so fourth. I think its a valid point to raise, however I am unsure of how easy it would be to amend. However I disagree about the different branches equalling the same pay - different branches do different jobs, therefore opening up the prospect that different jobs pay different salaries. 

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We are aware of the issue and is currently being looked into. 

Thank you for the report.

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