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Luftwaffe Paratrooper Playermodels


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Description of the idea: 

The newly formed 4. Luftlandefähiges Regiment a paratrooper regiment inside the Luftwaffe lacks paratrooper playermodels for those inside the regiment.

Why should this be added?: 

The playermodels should be added as the 4. Luftlandefähiges Regiment is a official regiment inside the Luftwaffe and which it should possess its own playermodels to go along with it. Additionally it should also be added as the paratrooper playermodels would bring in much needed variety to the Luftwaffe as it currently only uses two variants of uniforms that being the regular blue uniform used by the regular Luftwaffe and the grey variant used by the Kreighundekorps.

What negatives could this have?: 

No negatives that can thought of.

Additional information:

Examples of the playermodels that can be used by the 4. Luftlandefähiges Regiment.


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+1 I love the idea 

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I like the uniform but I don't know if Whoreson would agree to this.
Is there a reason we need camo uniform in a city. There are no enemies around except for Military and MOI fueds.

Edited by Doofles
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On 7/5/2024 at 5:27 PM, Doofles said:

Is there a reason we need camo uniform in a city. There are no enemies around except for Military and MOI fueds.

Well why do we have camo for the Heer's stalhelm?

It could very easily be a good way to exercise and such

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Hi Alfred

Yeah really good suggestion, at the end of the day it's down to Whoreson but at least you've taken some initiative and made a suggestion post.


- Sinex

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fat +1 this needs to be a thing asap

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On 7/5/2024 at 10:27 AM, Doofles said:

Is there a reason we need camo uniform in a city. There are no enemies around except for Military and MOI fueds.

This didn't age so well. 


The Heer currently uses camo uniforms as its primary uniform in the city so this can't be debated at this point.

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