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Reichstag No Collide Walls - Map Issue


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Whilst on the server yesterday morning I have found that a wall on the exterior of the RS is in fact no-collide, allowing you to enter through and see from an inaccessible area. I have enclosed a clip below, I am concerned in case it is possible that it can be shot from or used to evade RP. Regardless, still a map issue that should be resolved!



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Already known I believe unless it is not related to the pillar glitch. But thank you for reporting it.

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On 7/5/2024 at 4:36 PM, Doofles said:

Already known I believe unless it is not related to the pillar glitch. But thank you for reporting it.

Yup, not much you can do about it

Edited by Sinex
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This is a well known issue. I think I might of actually been the one who discovered it about 2 months ago. BUT I could be wrong.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 7/13/2024 at 12:39 AM, dawg said:

This is a well known issue. I think I might of actually been the one who discovered it about 2 months ago. BUT I could be wrong.

this has been known since the new map came out

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  • 2 weeks later...

Me and another person found this a while ago and tested a few things. You cannot shoot through it from what we found when trying to shoot each other from under the building into it and under it to outside the area. Also, it seemed to only work when using a car to get through certain areas of the RS walls. However, we did find that by using a prop and having someone sit on it you can push people up through the floor into pretty much any room on at least the first floor we didn't try the second floor, but this is a whole other bug most likely with props that affects certain walls, doors, and gates around the whole map.

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  • 6 months later...

Fixed. Thank you for the report

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