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"False" PK, TomRist's PK Appeal


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Character's name & rank: NSB-Polizeioberdiener Siegfried Leon Strucker 

SteamID32: STEAM_0:1:57559641

Staff member who issued the PK (if you know):  Browniemeister obv

Explain why you were PK'd:  There was a civil war happening between nsb and military. After things calmed down we (NSB) made 5 arrests. I was ordered to stay in the cells and given permission by general inspektor Flynn to interrogate and dossier the prisioners. Over 1h passed and staff (Navarov) came to me warning be that there was people in cells for more than an hour not being questioned or just not doing anything. After that I told them I was gonna finish soon, so I did. Timing was that, when I did, It was when our general was arrested by the chancelor. I was told to keep the prisioners a bit more in the cells.
After 1 more hour, one staff came to me, cant remember the name but started with letter B and it wasnt browniemeister, warned me same thing as Navarov told me, and I told him I was done so I was gonna release them soon.
I walked them outside to release them, I passed by the entire nsb group and say "Dont worry jsut releasing them" My superior told me "Release them it has been hours" and as SOON I walk them out, Browniemeister in his character (didnt even notice what he is, think lapo or something didn't see) gunpointed at me, yelled "bring them back inside what are you doing" I tried to explain them and he kept saying "no bring them inside" and I said, "No it has been 2 hours, they have no information, all dossiers of them were made" and brownie said "Ok youre being executed" and shot me instantly.

No warning of me being pk active, No correct conduct, No telling me the reason of my pk and not telling me who was the staff accepting the pk, I just knew it was him because when I called a different staff he told me.

Why should you be un-PK'd?:  There was legit no reason for my Permakill and it was made with no proper conduct. I was just shot on site by a random guy as far as I know that NEVER had any RP encounters with me so far

Additional Information:  N/A

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I have literally no idea when this happened. 

Please provide a date so I can confirm when this happened and get a proper detailed resposne to you. 

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Find it odd you dont recall, when you literally told me to make this pk appeal as "it was gonna be denied eitherway", your words in front of Navarov. 
Eitherway was today, literally 15 minutes before I posted this appeal

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1 hour ago, TomRist said:

Find it odd you dont recall, when you literally told me to make this pk appeal as "it was gonna be denied eitherway", your words in front of Navarov. 
Eitherway was today, literally 15 minutes before I posted this appeal


I was on my Minister character for nearly the entire event, I don't even have a Landespoliezi character at current. 


At the time when this apparently occurred, I was sitting in the office to the left of the NSB wing while the military were raiding.


Did you at any point make a ticket asking for who PK'ed you? 


Your appeal is extremely hostile for no reason towards myself, when you yourself aren't even sure that I had conducted your PK. Please provide the name of the Staff Member who provided my name as well. 


When I looked through the PK log's, you have another character named 'Siegfried Leon Strucker ' that was pk'ed back in March. Please provide explanation why you decided to make another character named exactly the same as a character that was pked earlier. 


When you make these sort of appeals, ensure that you are calm and orderly. I don't very much so appreciate being accused of something I don't even have a character for. I understand you don't particularity like myself due to your alleged relations with a dog, but that is no reason to take that anger out on me. I hope to see your response as more calm next time. 

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You are the one who told me it was you who PKd Navarov can confirm, Virus told me it was even UA allowed.

That is impossible what you just said, as all my characters are literally gone, and My only 2 characters have 3 days, 1 of them, the one you pkd in this situation.


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First off, you weren't PK'ed by Browniemeister. Brownie wasn't even present for any of this situation. 

Second, you were PK'ed under the guideline of UA/GA approval. Your PK 100% fell within the guidelines.

You are not permitted to submit another PK appeal for this character without permission from Global Administration.

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