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Your Name: hambugler ( Stuart Schafer )
SteamID32: STEAM_0:1:551360735

Player's Name(s): Adler Burfast
Player's SteamID32(s): STEAM_0:1:551360735

Rules Broken (Provide evidence for each): Metagame (maybe powergame don't really know if UA approval is needed to forge a signature)

Evidence (Videos/Screenshots): https://imgur.com/2JZDKoXhttps://imgur.com/3L0TRTt | https://imgur.com/W8dTt25

Additional Information: I kidnapped an NSB named Adler Burfast and tried to get him to sign an NDA he agreed at first (chatlogs of the entire situation) and said he'll sign it, then as a joke or something he put my name down so I made a staff ticket for metagame since he wouldn't have my name IC and would have got my name through OOC means since I used LOOC occasionally during the detainment. He claimed that he "had my f3" but then said that he (chief inspector of the NSB) didn't have a clipping software or couldn't figure out steam screenshots to send proof he had my f3 (https://imgur.com/9X8uZQa), The staff member who took it (Vixx) said that there wasn't enough proof for metagame even though there was a screenshot of my signature on the document and him admitting to putting it there, I personally believe that this was just blatant metagame.

Notes: I was heated at this time so I do understand why the staff member couldn't get enough 'evidence' since I was just yapping alot.

Edited by Hambugler
Needed to correct something
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Hi there, myself and Aurelius von Phoenix were present in the sit room to try and resolve your concerns. This sit went around in circles for some time, however when you provided edit history to us we can see you entered your name. You claimed that he 'Forged' the document and 'Found out your name OOC'. - The edit history's contradicts this as we can see you write your name on the NDA. This shows that the individual in question Adler Burfast did not write your name and if he was unaware of your name, was able to see it on the NDA. (No proof was submitted to show he did not know your name)


Something else worth mentioning, remember this could be a completely IC issue; he may have asked a colleague for your name, seen it on paperwork, or even if you RP'd '/me signs document' or something of that nature then technically he can sign it on your behalf OOC.


Myself and Aurelius were unable to come to a resolve during this sit as neither parties could prove they didn't have 'F3's' or show substantial evidence. I would also appreciate if next time you are in a sit that you treat staff members with respect, as I did not appreciate being called the R slur by yourself.

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Agreed, things could have been 100% said better on my part but I was extremely frustrated that I was being accused of making a false staff ticket  for "signed my own NDA I made for someone else", I linked an (https://imgur.com/W8dTt25) link showing that he did indeed sign my name down. I get that the original screenshot I showed you might've looked confusing as I was too, but I can assure you that I did not write my own signature down and the screenshot would prove this. Your next point being that "he may have asked a colleague for your name, seen it on paperwork, or even if you RP'd '/me signs document'" is implausible as no other colleagues present ever once uttered my name or said my name ICly other than me using LOOC, he was also tied up and blindfolded for the most part. 

He also did not send any screenshot proving that he had my f3 after making 3 excuses to why he can't get a "steam screenshot" or a clip.

Also I'm sorry for calling you names, there is no justification for that, and I got really heated which isn't an excuse to take out on you as you were just an outsider party to the situation.

Edited by Hambugler
Cleaned up.
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  On 7/9/2024 at 11:54 AM, Hambugler said:

Agreed, things could have been 100% said better on my part but I was extremely frustrated that I was being accused of making a false staff ticket  for "signed my own NDA I made for someone else", I linked an (https://imgur.com/W8dTt25) link showing that he did indeed sign my name down. I


You were not accused of making a false ticket, you were told we could not approve or deny the claim. This is the image you sent us at the time of the sit. - This shows you entered your name on the NDA, meaning he therefore would know your name after you wrote it in this document.



Edited by Vixx
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  • 2 weeks later...

Denied. Unfortunately there is not enough hard evidence to prove guilt

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