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Shepherd's Ban Appeal


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Your Name:  Shepherd

SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:0:646528906

Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute):  Apology.

Which staff member banned you?: Saito

How long is your ban for?: 3 Days

Why were you banned?:  Random Death Match or RDM

Why do you deserve to be unbanned?:

The situation that went down was as follows: I was on a Enlisted Kaisergarde Character when I approached a Commissioned Officer within the Federal Marshal Service being dragged by a member of the Kaiserliche Feldjägers who was a Non-Commissioned Officer. Along with the man dragging the Federal Marshal was a Commissioned Officer within the Kaiserliche Luftwaffe and what appeared to be a Non-Commissioned Officer within the Deutsches Volkswachter, all of which including the man dragging the Federal Marshal, had MP40's. I approached the Feldjäger with my MP40 out and on safety and demanded he let the Commissioned Officer within the Federal Marshal Service go. Behind me, the Commissioned Officer within the Kaiserliche Luftwaffe pulled out an MP40 on safety. Thinking quickly, I assumed that he would shoot me for interfering with his detainment, so I shot all three of the men and a citizen in the cross fire to release the Federal Marshal and avoid being shot.

At the time, I assumed what I had just done had broken no rule because I have seen scenarios similar to this happen and go unpunished, though that is no exuse. I assumed that since the member of the Kaiserliche Luftwaffe had pulled out an MP40, I had reasonable cause and suspicion to end their lives before they ended mine, as I thought he was about to shoot me. After I had freed the Commissioned Officer within the Federal Marshal Service, I had a slight argument with the Kaiserliche Luftwaffe Officer in OOC regarding the situation and whether or not it was RDM. I was aware that he had been staff and I was somewhat expecting to be pulled to a staff sit.

Once I was pulled to a staff sit, Seiker whom had claimed the Luftwaffe Officer's ticket listened to the situation because there was no clip and explained to me how it was RDM. My argument within the staff sit was I believed that it was reasonable cause because there were three members with MP40's and only one of me and that they all could have pulled out MP40's at any moment and shot me dead in the street with nobody around to witness the crime or stop them. I tried to explain to Seiker how fast you can switch an MP40 from safety to shooting someone dead, and that it only took one second to kill someone.

Seiker offered to call a higher ranking member of staff to the sit, which had been Saito. As he listened to the situation, Saito agreed with the two others in the sit and explained to me how it had been RDM and that shooting them for only pulling out an MP40 on safety was not reasonable cause to do so. At the time I still did not understand how that hadn't been reasonable cause to shoot them, so Saito explained since I needed time to better understand the rules he would be banning me for three days.

At the time I was in an angered state as I believed that I had been in the right and that I had taken the right steps. I now understand that I was wrong and that I went about handling the situation the wrong way. Instead of shooting the men as soon as the Commissioned Officer of the Kaiserliche Luftwaffe pulled out an MP40 on safety, I should have waited until they aimed weapons at me. If that had happened I then could have risked being PKed by starting the gun fight or I could have been detained. 

I understand fully now that shooting the men for pulling out an MP40 was wrong and I apologize. I have used my time while being banned to read over the rules and to see in what way I was wrong.

I apologize to Rose/the Commissioned Officer within the Kaiserliche Luftwaffe and to the other men for shooting them without reasonable cause.

Additional Information: 

Thank you for reading my appeal.

Edited by Shepherd
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+1 It was just an accident, and it was late, I think they should be unbanned since it was an accident. they also detained me (I was in the suit, I'm a Federal Marshal) he was just trying to help me. 

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Hi, I was the Admin who banned you.


I had a lengthy discussion with you about RDM and gave multiple examples. You are a well-known member of the Community and have already been warned for RDM within your POs. After at least 10 Minutes of trying to explain it to you and giving you examples of what constitutes RDM, you continued to make it clear you don't understand. You were bringing up RL examples, to which I tried to make it clear to you that this is a GMod Server.


To the Original offense, you admitted to RDM against people for pre-emptively shooting them as you "thought" you would have no chance of killing them.


Good luck with the Appeal!

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Your ban has already expired.

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