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Very humble, veeeeery noble pk appeal request.


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Character's name & rank: Oberstleutnant Jeffrey Fossoyeur

SteamID32: STEAM_0:0:106738971

Staff member who issued the PK (if you know):  Ser Hound (Sorry the sit was so bad, I was zonked)


Explain why you were PK'd:  I was opening the door in the Feldmarshals office when I realized that the LaPo where there. Not knowing what was going on, I let them enter, I had assumed if they were there, past all my men that they were allowed in. A man with three LaPo guards, firearms in their hands rushed into the room and began talking with the feldmarshal. After an exchange the Feldmarshal ordered the men be removed, after some unfortunate bumbling we removed the men from the BB. Once they were outside; the man leading the group was taunting me before saying something along the lines of "What if we had our men around the back huh? What if I tell those men to break in and fuck the field marshal" I, upon hearing that, asked the man if I heard right, he mocked me, I asked again and he said something along the lines of "he did." so I ordered my men to detain him. He was still inside the Bendler Block compound and inside the ICC, he was already being escorted out at gunpoint for refusing to leave on direct orders of the field marshal. His men decided that at that time they would shoot us all, apparently only killing me in the process. 

Why should you be un-PK'd?:  I was just roleplaying out a scene with no intentions of ANYONE being killed. I did not truly have any intention of anything other than some afternoon fun on a roleplay server. I have put a lot of time and effort into making Jeffrey a character that people actually like or dislike. I made this character somewhat well known and really don't want to let his achievement's die. He was a Ministry of Science Astronaut, Business owner, the first non-general tier five party member, an instrumental player in the construction and growth of Himlonious & Sons, First  (maybe) Tiny China VIP, Warplanner (kinda) Drumph award winner, Regiment Commander. A great man and a overall neat little thing I constructed. (all in all it feels like someone just smashed my lego set I spent the past few months constructing.)

Additional Information:  I was extremely intoxicated while I was grabbed for the PK. I had a hard time defending myself at all and was really just trying to play a game. 

I also believe that this entire incident was cut short too quickly. Nothing was roleplayed out, I was pulled out of the situation and shot before I was even able to get my story together and defend myself. 

Edited by Jeffy
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Hi Jeffy

Just read over this, and to be honest, being drunk isn't a reason. larping and drunkenness do not mix as well as you think, especially when you have authority over other people. 

I understand you are likely an adult and you can do what you want BUT when you have that kind of authority and make those kinds of commands while being like you are, surely you can see it's bound to go wrong. 

- Sinex

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  On 7/11/2024 at 3:53 AM, Sinex said:

Hi Jeffy

Just read over this, and to be honest, being drunk isn't a reason. larping and drunkenness do not mix as well as you think, especially when you have authority over other people. 

I understand you are likely an adult and you can do what you want BUT when you have that kind of authority and make those kinds of commands while being like you are, surely you can see it's bound to go wrong. 

- Sinex


I do definitely see where you're coming from, but this is also a roleplay server. This is not a job, its not the real military, people come here to have fun not to treat it like true reality. I make sure people have fun, sometimes mistakes happen, I don't think that means my sole character should be snuffed out. 

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jeffey i hope you know that even on late hours/minge hours your still not immortal and u can still get pked.

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  On 7/11/2024 at 4:47 AM, Jeffy said:

I do definitely see where you're coming from, but this is also a roleplay server. This is not a job, its not the real military, people come here to have fun not to treat it like true reality. I make sure people have fun, sometimes mistakes happen, I don't think that means my sole character should be snuffed out. 


Yeah I'm not saying your wrong in that respect but I'm just saying drinking and commanding people isn't good 😂

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  On 7/11/2024 at 4:55 AM, deformedcat said:

jeffey i hope you know that even on late hours/minge hours your still not immortal and u can still get pked.


I am well aware of this, but it should have been roleplayed out, not that I just dropped dead after getting shot by someone who was being escorted out of a building. PK's are last resort measures, not the default response. 

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  On 7/11/2024 at 5:07 AM, Sinex said:

Yeah I'm not saying your wrong in that respect but I'm just saying drinking and commanding people isn't good 😂


Completely understandable. I'm just pissy I lost a character that I really don't think should have died. Weeks down the drain. Y'know? 

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  On 7/11/2024 at 5:09 AM, Jeffy said:

Completely understandable. I'm just pissy I lost a character that I really don't think should have died. Weeks down the drain. Y'know? 


Yeah dude, I've lost high ranking characters for silly reasons too. I feel for you

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  On 7/11/2024 at 5:11 AM, Sinex said:

Yeah dude, I've lost high ranking characters for silly reasons too. I feel for you


For a silly reason is exactly why I'm going for the appeal! At very least I want my death to be something fun for people, not have it happen in the sit room. Making fun for other people is what I do on that character, so I feel he has the right to do it at least one last time. 

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  • Jeffy changed the title to Very humble, veeeeery noble pk appeal request.


You started a gunfight to arrest someone on the idea that they attempted to assassinate the Feldmarschall. Whether true or not, you initiated and therefore suffered the consequences for a situation that serious.

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