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Albert Kloss-Piotrowski PK Appeal


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Character's name & rank: Albert Kloss-Piotrowski Fregattenkapitan

SteamID32: STEAM_0:0:155867330

Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): Aurelius of Phoenix 

Explain why you were PK'd: I was PK'd because someone believes that tying someone up is enough to put him under FearRP so when he retaliates and gets one-shotted, he gets PK'd. There was a while when I was on gunpoint of the robber, but he decided to holdter his weapon to access quick detainment option through 'C' button while looking at me. The person failed to detain me, because I moved. The reason I did it was not being under FearRP. In the end I got shot because I decided to shoot the guy who tried to rob me. It all happened in the ICC and the guy was a civ, so it is possible that it was a unapproved raid and whole action never should have happened.

Why should you be un-PK'd?: I believe that I should be un-PK'd because I wasn't under FearRP. There was no gun pointed at me when I retaliated to hostility of detainment. I've also been told that you can't detain someone when aiming which is obviously a lie. Aditionally the person who PKed me immediately broke the RP after shooting me screaming that he PKed me. I do not want to lose a yearly character which achieved and contributed so much over such thing.

Additional Information: 

My perspective:

Perspective of one that PKed me:

Proof of the fact - You CAN tie people up while aiming at them:

Proof of lies being told:

Sorry for terrible english at this clip. I was trying to remain calm and it backfired with misspelling.

Edited by Kuciak
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55 minutes ago, Kuciak said:


what is this 😭 

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31 minutes ago, Hound said:

what is this 😭 

Sorry. Edited

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You will take a demotion to Leutnant. Next time dont start a gunfight and then die.


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