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Ban Appeal


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Your Name: Eazy-E

SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:0:115363209

Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Dispute

Which staff member banned you?: Unknown

How long is your ban for?: 3 Days

Why were you banned?: RDM | Punch Minge

Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: I believe this is a false ban, and you may have banned me incorrectly, mistaking me for another player. At no time have I gone around being a punch minge, or RDMd. I RP on a LAPO and NSB character in which I take my RP seriously. The only time I have used force against another player is if they've first used force against me. I am unsure when this ban was issued and would like to know any other information that could be provided on the circumstances surrounding the allegations. 

Additional Information: I appreciate you taking the time to look into this situation.

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I was the staff member who banned you, at the time I had received multiple reports of a guy running into the bank and punching people to death while they were talking to the NPC, I was provided with your a char ID and proceeded to talk to each person who was killed and determined it was just RDM/ Punch Minge.

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I was inside of the bank pursuing the minge who was mass punching me, I was LAPO attempting to arrest him... This is a clear mistake in banning me. I encourage you to check logs to confirm this. I was chasing the individual for at least 15 mins who was mass punching and NVL.


Additionally, I do not have any civilian characters.....

Edited by Eazy-E
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This seems to be some issue with the guy who provided the kill ID would have been a better Idea for me to go find it in the logs I was under the impression you were the one Punch Minging

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From checking the logs it shows that you killed 2 people and one of those people you killed twice within a two minute period

Then about 10 minutes after you had killed these two players you were banned. 



This does not seem like a mistake to me unless you could provide a valid reason as to why you killed those 2 people right before your ban.

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To add onto the pictures coffee sent those people were the ones who made the reports.

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The player "Cobson" is the punch minge who I was pursuing, he would immediately leave spawn and engage in punching and attempting to rdm other players. This log you are referring to is when I was attempting to detain Cobson he would immediately get as close as he could to another player when being fired at it would kill both players, this was a mere accident as he was continuously hopping around and refused to be detained.

So as far as the allegation of me being a punch minge, is completely false and unwarranted. You clearly didn't check these logs when issuing the punishment.


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Your ban is expired.

This did not seem like a mistake to me so this ban will not be removed from your record.

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