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Bigtittyking's Ban Appeal


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Your Name: Bigtittyking

SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:1:83689821

Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute):Apology

Which staff member banned you?: Major Whoreson

How long is your ban for?: Permanent

Why were you banned?: Permissions Abuse, Crashing Server.

Why do you deserve to be unbanned?:

I would like to give a heartfelt apology to the community, staff team and Major Whoreson for the damage I caused. I am not seeking a complete unban but at the least a reduction in punishment in recognition of my actions. There is no excuse for my actions as I abused permissions granted and entrusted onto me by the staff team. I, without thinking and acting on my own accord, decided to screw around and use my permissions to play around with my friends rather than the RP purposes they were intended for. I realize that this was wrong and completely unfitting for how I should have acted regardless of the time of day and that I should have been more careful with my actions. When this crashed the server, I regret not contacting any member of the UA or GA team about the issue and not coming forward sooner about my actions as they were not intentionally done to harm the server.

As a long-time member of the community with almost two years under my belt and have only one hit on my record that goes back seven months from this current punishment. I would like to think that due to the spacing of these punishments I can prove I am a member that is both capable of making bad decisions but also willing to grow and learn from them. I am not expecting this to be an easy appeal nor one that will have me go unabashed for my actions, All I ask of those who know me or not, that despite the grave mistake I have made and the countless members I affected, I do really want to seek the possibility of a second chance as this community has grown into more than just a simple server to hop into but a space with friends, happy moments, and amazing experiences that I do not wish to throw away due to the poor actions I have made. I am willing to accept the punishment if deemed fitting by the community as it gives me more time to reflect on my actions and maybe come back in the future to attempt again.


Additional Information:  For context during the later hours of the server when there were little to no players other than my friends, I decided to muck about and play around with my C-Flags. I was playing around with the bicycle entity in an attempt to make them explode on my friend and instead, the entities acted abnormally and collided with one another without taking damage, which I suspect caused an overload on the server. This was not what I was aiming for and was a simple mistake caused by dumb decisions which started with me deciding to even attempt to abuse my flags to begin with.



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I don't think what he did was intentionally to harm the server. He is a good person who just makes dumb decisions.


He should not receive a complete unban but maybe lower down his punishment to 1 Month?

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Good man who has played this server for a long time, doesn't deserve a permanent ban for an accident.

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We all do dumb things, but a permanent ban is too harsh


Edited by Jemo
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Bring my boy back. He doesn't deserve a perma.

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Good man.

Permanent is too harsh of a punishment for a clear accident.

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Everybody deserves a second chance! Perm ban is too much for an accident!

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Owns up to his mistake and doesn't deflect any blame. Long-standing member, maybe a month max but perma is too long.

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He’s a good person just stupid sometimes 🫃

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Hes been a very consistent member of this community and i dont believe he meant what he did one bit. yes a punishment is in order but perm banned seems too much for somebody who loves the server and never meant to commit the crash



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Bigtitty has been around for around a year and a half now. My experiences with him have been nothing but positive.
I personally believe this punishment was a bit excessive and would love to see him back in Berlin.

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To be fair, you didn't crash the server, therefore ruining people's RP experience at that time. 

Not too sure, but I personally don't care if your allowed back in, just don't do anything stupid.


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Just a little silly

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Long standing member of the community, would hate to see him go.
Wasn't intentional and deserves a second chance.

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I've known this man for a while now and he would never intentionally crash the server. Playing around with C flags isn't the best and a reduced ban would be better than a perm.

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Alright so i was present while this happend barely any people was on and landa was just messing around with the others that was there teaching one of the KG thirdperson combat spawned a few bikes thinking it would explode but it didnt it was truly an accident none of us in a milion years thought 5 bikes would crash the server


Edited by Safin
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+1 good guy I was present when the server crashed who knew 5 bikes would crash the server deserves another chance.

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Clearly didn't commit this on purpose. Perma is too harsh and I think he should be forgiven for this accident.

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Nah i hate this guy -1 Lure Arnold sends his regards

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+1 !!!

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+1 apologizing and recognizing you were at fault is a good start in my opinion. 

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I believe he can come back, but his car flags need to be taken.

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9 hours ago, Dr Trevor Lawrence PHD said:

Nah i hate this guy -1 Lure Arnold sends his regards

shut up arnold

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Never met this guy but I love the username, +1

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