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Ban Appeal


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Your Name: Unknown

SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX): https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199452982285/

Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Apology

Which staff member banned you?: Coffee

How long is your ban for?: Perm 

Why were you banned?: Promoting other 1942 servers

Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: 

I apologize for my actions in promoting other 1942 Discords. It was wrong of me to divert attention away from this community and undermine the unity we should be fostering here. I understand now that such actions can harm the trust and cohesion within our group.

I realize the importance of respecting the rules and guidelines that are in place to maintain a positive and supportive environment for everyone. By promoting other Discords, I not only violated these rules but also failed to uphold my responsibility as a member of this community.

I am genuinely sorry for any disruption or discomfort my actions may have caused. I assure you that I have reflected on my behavior and am committed to following the rules moving forward. I value being part of this community and would like the opportunity to demonstrate that I can contribute positively and respectfully.

Thank you for considering my apology.


Additional Information: N/A

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I think that he might be genuine about his apology but advertising on other servers is basically telling the server that what there playing on is trash.

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AI written 🥱

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I didn't but ok


Edited by Unknow
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If you are not going to write your own appeal and use AI to write it for you then don't bother making an appeal at all.

You can make a new ban appeal in 2 weeks.


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