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Ban Appeal


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Your Name: Forgot

SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:1:807272116

Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Dispute

Which staff member banned you?: Layhoe

How long is your ban for?: Week

Why were you banned? LTARP

Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: 

It wasn't LTARP if there wasn't any RP to begin with, earlier I was arrested for the SAME REASON.

I sat there for about an hour until I was released.

The second I got released, I was arrested again.

Additional Information: 

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Hello AlienBoyOfficial, I was the staff member that had given out your original 1-week punishment.

To give an explanation to your ban, I had been interacting with you all day and watching over you and dealt a with a few of your sits including when your Frankie Carbone character was PK'd. 

After you switched to your Luft character and was promptly arrested for RP reasons after not being interacted with for 13 minutes you made a ticket which I took. After seeing you had been interacted with in the past 13 minutes I tried to chase down the player that had last interacted with you in the logs, after asking them if they could go speed up the RP process they had planned with you. The miscommunication between the Luft Officers that had arrested you originally and the players they told to go to the cells resulted in you getting accidently released. When the major had tracked you down in the ICC area outside the BB they tried detaining you again which you then demanded that you had already been arrested and when told the plans for you to be discharged you replied with "I'LL JUST DELETE THIS CHARACTER" and then deleted it all in a span for 31 seconds of being placed under fear RP and told to stop moving which is shown in the logs with timestamps. 

After watching over you for the past few days and handling your sits I immediately took you into a sit room and sat there with you for about 7 minutes trying to get your attention and awaiting your arrival. 

Taking into consideration the extent of your ban history and infractions with staff and specifically having extensive interactions with you while staffing. Having dealt with you breaking NLR several times and warning you for it only 3 hours prior to you getting banned. I have given you many warnings for various rule violations I had determined that a 7 day ban was a justified break in order to take the time to read over the rules and make sure you are following them, which also is still my advice as of making this reply.

 - Various Context -

Clip of LTARPhttps://youtu.be/df9rEXE6MGY

Photo of interactions in Logshttps://gyazo.com/81463753babad720aa520a74c8797fbd

Photo of your Noteshttps://gyazo.com/253e21907ffa3dec7fb71c5b27d61a34

Ban Historyhttps://bans.prn.gg/?player=STEAM_0:1:807272116

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This ban was the correct decision and was justified. 

I'll also make it very clear that the next infraction / ban you receive will result in you being permanently banned.

You have received 9 notes and 12 bans this year already...

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