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Better uniforms


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Description of the idea: Better uniforms for 912. Armored company, becouse their arms are buggy. It sometimes looks hilerious in third person.

Why should this be added?: So Panzers would have less buggy uniforms

What negatives could this have?: None

Additional information: I don't know what content is that but I think this would work https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=434290895&searchtext=German+tank+uniform

Edited by Tommy
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I personally wouldn't mind an overhaul on panzer uniforms. If the opportunity allows it having new uniforms/models like the other factions received can address some of the issues with the panzer models; the issues being only having 1 face model & weird arms



  • Chad 1
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I think someone else made a post about this too 

More the better

  • Chad 1
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Panzer models do need a fix.

  • Chad 1
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Would agree

  • Chad 1
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New civilian models...

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Instead of focusing on models, can we focus on actual development?

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  • Chad 1
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  • 2 weeks later...

we need more models that stand out 1+

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overdue rehaul

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  • 2 months later...

Describe better.

There are very few model makers in this game-mode and I just don't see how these current models aren't sufficient.


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Looking at the current Panzer models, I don't see an error with it, if you could elaborate on how its bugged that would help a lot.

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he refers on how these models are just very old, same with the marine/sailor ones.
those models are legacy models that haven't been changed because:

1. you have to pay model makers to remake them
2. you have to get permission from the model owners (who might not be around anymore...)
3. i don't think the model makers consider it a high priority

now, would it be nice to have them? sure! but don't expect them any time soon...

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