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PK Appeal Montgomery Flashheart II


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Character's name & rank: Luetnant Montgomery Flashheart II

SteamID32:     STEAM_0:1:542780557

Staff member who issued the PK (if you know):  Coffee

Explain why you were PK'd: I honestly have no clue why I was pk'd apparently It was issued an hour ago, I believe it was because of this morning when a minge lapo that commited nlr maybe 3 times by singlehandly raiding the icc multiple times and tried to mug 3 military that were all armed by himself including me, I wasn't the only person who proceeded to pull out their gun. Also a staff member was present during this time and told me that it wasn't a pk since u must outnumber the people you are trying to mug therefore I'm not even sure if this was the correct incident.

Why should you be un-PK'd?: Think it is pretty weird instance im pretty sure the lapo was issued a warning at the time for nitrp and nlr, im pretty sure he logged on later to report me since the staff members present at the time who actual were aware of the situation at the time wouldn't take his ticket, I haven't be in berlin almost all day and honestly was very excited to return from work and enjoy my character but left disappointed.

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After a conversation about the situation with you in a staff sit and after checking the logs

I did manage to confirm that the person who requested the PK had been breaking NLR multiple times and kept returning to the ICC.

  • Chad 1
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