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Name:  Robert King

SteamID32:  Steam ID: 76561199122225601

Staff Member who issued the Flag Blacklist:  Rose

Explain why your flags were blacklisted: Rdm

Explain why your flags should be unblacklisted: Well for one I've been on this last warning with my flags for months and when i mess around with them i do it when its fit, so when i killed him with a prop he was building next to our spawn" he was fine. Later I got him annoyed and he called staff and showed them 2 clips. The 2nd I was using a prop to kill myself to show him how he died, not sure if he showed it in the clip but i was telling him that's the way he died.  I was also then metagamed by being taken out of KG. their reasoning was prop kill and nobody was in the room when he was killed, which is on the clip if he posts it. How can he take me out of a faction with metagame but i cant kill him next to spawn with a prop? Regardless I realize prop killing isn't fun for anyone but me so thats my bad

Additional Information:  I still do not have my VIP vehicles after 3 months of tickets. Ignore bad writing im not editing Prometheus forums post

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Please put a normal title for your flag appeal or this will be denied.

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Accepted. I love you jordan carter

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