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Hans Karz pk appeal


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Character's name & rank:  NSB-Polizeiinspektor Hans Karz

SteamID32: 76561199316880673

Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): Claymore

Explain why you were PK'd: I was PK'd because i was killed while runing away which counted as fear rp

Why should you be un-PK'd?: i was working under orders of a higher up (kai kaiser) to raid the icc and me and a few more of my men were trapped in there with no way out, i was ordered to try and leave the icc and i was aproached by an unarmed heer co and i ran since well they were unarmed and i had a weapon pointed at them. but one thing i couldnt see from my point of view and somehow missed when they first showed themself for a few seconds was that there was another military member with a gun , so i opened fire on the co and i was gunned down by the better armed military member. there is a clip from the pov of the military member showing he wasnt realy visible for too long.

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there was two heer and they weren’t unarmed. Both of us had guns pointed at you. Then you ran into one of the ICC buildings and shot at us.

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the co actualy didnt have his gun pointed until i ran, and i had it already at him when he turned the corner

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only the one without a hat had a gun pointed when turning the corner and i didnt see him at the moment because of the lighting in the area

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also you forgot to say how you used F4 glitch to see trough the wall

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Approved sort of....

The pk guideline in this circumstance would be initiating a gunfight and losing. Considering you were under fear rp and then broke line of sight and then initiated a one on one gun fight and horrifically losing. You will be demoted two ranks. Also, you will have to transfer your other character out of the same faction per the intelligence roleplay guidelines. 


  • Chad 1
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