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Ban Appeal

Aleister von Hans

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Your Name: Otto von Hans

SteamID32 (STEAM_0:0:631551141): 

Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute):Dispute 

Which staff member banned you?:evan

How long is your ban for?:1 day

Why were you banned?:"LTAP"

Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: I did nothing wrong, This guy comes up to me and starts talking to me and when I respond he keeps acting like he cant hear me and my mic wasn't working.. So while I was in my pause menu checking it, He starts tying me up and kidnapping me. Thats Completely unfair, (My mic was working the whole time btw) so yes I just left because I even had my gun out and he still tried robbing me.

Additional Information: Pretending that he couldn't hear me was just an excuse to do whatever he wanted to me. This is my first ban and I ALWAYS do my best to not break rules I have been playing Prometheus for years. HE should've been banned for all that acting he did not me. I've also donated to this server many times just to get repaid like this. Very Disappointed in this moderation decision.

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Hello this is evan I banned you because you were getting robbed in the clip and as you were getting tied up 
you decided to leave the game instead of roleplaying it out.

yes, you had a gun, but it was on safety.

yes, this might be disappointing, but you can't just leave the game because you get tied up and you know that.

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@Aleister von HansYour ban has been extended to permanent for violating Global Rule #11. For this appeal to be accepted you will need to change the format to an apology for the ban evasion attempt.

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You may appeal again in an apology format for ban evasion.

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