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Merk Felton Ban Appeal


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Your Name: Merk Felton

SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX): https://steamcommunity.com/id/RustyMark/ or STEAM_0:0:95780176

Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Appeal

Which staff member banned you?: Major Whoreson

How long is your ban for?: 14 days

Why were you banned?: I was In the Bendlerblock during a meeting and ended up getting caught up with a bunch people minging. I got frozen and ended up getting banned.

Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: I was just in the general vicinity of what occured and got banned. 

Additional Information:  Just wanted to say thank you to those staff and players who were there whom commented on my behalf and shared your side of what happened. Means alot. At the end of the day this is just a game and you didnt have to and you still did, I appreciate it. I hope this clears up any misunderstanding. *To Major Whoreson : If you want to reduce, remove, or keep the ban all's good! you have a good staff team keep it up

Edited by Chef
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Hey Merk,

Yes we all get the reference in your name. 
I would recommend add more to the ban appeal explaining more about the situation for it to be taken more seriously. 
I witnessed your activity today and while you were new to the organisation I did not see any "minge" activities. 
However this could have changed in the time frame of me leaving. 


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I was impressed with Merks attitude today.
Didn't give me any problems, helped lead the lower ranks and recruited well.

Hope to have this one return to us asap.
The Heer needs it.


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I did witness this situation and he was just laughing not joining in on the mingery

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On 7/24/2024 at 1:37 AM, Beach said:

Hey Merk,

Yes we all get the reference in your name. 
I would recommend add more to the ban appeal explaining more about the situation for it to be taken more seriously. 
I witnessed your activity today and while you were new to the organisation I did not see any "minge" activities. 
However this could have changed in the time frame of me leaving. 


Thank you beach, invalid, and grimey! I really do appreciate you commenting on here and helping clear up this misunderstanding!

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Please post your steam id in this format STEAM_0:X:XXX

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Heres this for you Gary. STEAM_0:0:95780176 . Appreciate getting back to me.

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when i was in the military the 3 minges were together before merk was with them, they did not come together with merk and i believe he's innocent. 

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Thank you for posting your side of the story dawg another witness helps things tremendously!

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