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Pk appeal Friedhelm Schroder


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Character's name & rank: Oberstleutnant Friedhelm Schroder

SteamID32: STEAM_1:0:185833057

Staff member who issued the PK (if you know):  Coffee

Explain why you were PK'd: FearRP

Why should you be un-PK'd?:  When we were on a patrol with the KG, Lapo tried to stop us and then shot at our tires. My Ritzoffizier decided to open fire on the Lapo and I opened fire on the other Lapo who was shooting at my Ritzoffizier. As I killed the Lapo i put my weapon on safety while the military NCO pointed his weapon at me and tried to put me under FearRP, but per FearRP rule 8 “If you are actively holding a weapon, FearRP does not apply and you may retaliate (even if it is secured, E+R)”, so I raised my weapon again before I was killed.

Additional Information: https://medal.tv/?contentId=iljO1vRrJlYq2nLOl&invite=cr-MSxjZTEsMjM4NjYwNDc2LA&spok=CXusBTd6ISQF 

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Never holstered his weapon so he wasn't under fearrp

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Hello I was the staff member who issued this PK.

The PK guideline you fell under was "Being killed while not abiding by Fear-RP"

For this situation you killed a member of the Lapo for killing one of your officers which is completely fair.

Then two members of the Military attempted to detain you for doing so and both had their guns pointed at you whilst your weapon "was on safety" which from the clip provided it seems to me you put your gun away but even if your gun was on safety you were outnumbered and if you did not draw your weapon or unsafety your pistol whilst you were outnumbered and had guns in your face you would of not died in this situation.

Also the rule "If you are actively holding a weapon in your hand, FearRP does not apply and you may retaliate (even if it is on safety, E+R)"

Depends on context of the situation if it was just a one on one where one player is holding another player under gunpoint whilst the other player has his weapon is on safety then sure this rule would most certainly apply.

But in this situation you were outnumbered and decided to draw your pistol which directly lead to your death.

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5 minutes ago, Coffee said:

But in this situation you were outnumbered and decided to draw your pistol which directly lead to your death.

That's fair enough, but as you can see in the clip, the second guy didn't even raise his gun or interfere until the last second.

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After watching the clip, I can see why you retaliated. However, you initiated a gunfight whilst in the presence of 4 Heer which wielded weapons along with other individuals. You state your weapon was safety'd - however when you were asked to stop moving you pulled your gun in an attempt to shoot. I see why this is disappointing and obviously sad for yourself, however I believe this follows all of the correct and valid PK Guidelines.

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After reviewing the clip provided, you were held under Fear RP and attempted to kill the soldier aiming the weapon at you, dying in the process. You were also outnumbered 3 to 1 in this situation. This PK was valid.

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