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Ban Appeal


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Your Name: Deadly-_-Alex

SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX):  Steam ID: 76561198400474417 or STEAM_0:1:220104344

Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Apology

Which staff member banned you?: Major Whoreson

How long is your ban for?: permanent

Why were you banned?: Mass RDM | LTAP

Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: While playing on WW2 Imperial Germany RP and standing with many other people outside, I stepped away from my computer (afk) for a short time.

Unfortunately, my lil cousin accessed my computer and began shooting at a realtively big crowd. (Locking my door since this happend)

I fully understand the seriousness of this violation and sincerely apologize for the disruption caused.

Additional Information: I'd like to express that I enjoy your server. The community is good, the map is nice, and I've made an effort to communicate and learn from other players.

I understand if this actions warrant punishment, but I it would be cool if i clould play again.

Thank you for your time.

Edited by alexmcqueenx
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Please follow the Ban appeal template or this will be denied.


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Alright sir.

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Please explain your violation of Global Rule #11 by using an alternate account in an attempt to evade your ban.

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Yes, I tried to play with another account on the server. I really don't have any bad intentions. I just thought I'd chill and play some music for a bit.


I'm sorry for violating Global Rule #11:

"Under no circumstances may you use an alternative account, VPN, or another person's account to circumvent a ban."

I apologize for my actions and any inconvenience caused. It won't happen again.

Edited by alexmcqueenx
Adding Rule violation apology
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Is my apology appeal alright?

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Your ban will be reduced to 10 days.

Appeal: Accepted
Thread: Locked

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