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Patrik Wilhelm's Pk appeal

Patrick Ting

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Character's name & rank: NSB-Oberpolizeiinspektor Patrik Wilhelm

SteamID32:     STEAM_0:1:98538901

Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): I believe it was either Ich Bin or it may have been another person

Explain why you were PK'd: I was PKd for apparently being a "snitch" and because the Inner minister wanted to protect himself. Im not sure what I was snitching about as it was not explained to me. For context a Polizeikommander of the GSD and myself were both arrested because of an incident with a Komodore and were being interrogated for quite a while. They tried to convince me he was snitching on me and apparently convince the other guy I was with that I was snitching on him.

Why should you be un-PK'd?: I was not snitching on anyone, refused to sign any documents when I was held by the military for 2+ hours. Im not sure what I could have snitched about and would be open for a discussion with Ich Bin if possible about this PK and his justification for it. It just seems like a silly pk to do as there was 0 RP documents, court trial, evidence presented of any kind in my opinion. I was also the Chief of Sektion I for the BSD and I would expect there to be more RP than the video provided (I didn't get the whole conversation unfortunately). 

Additional Information: 
The clip of the PK

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I was told from within that you decided to privately rat to save your hide by stating that the NSB Commander with you, Meinulf Hunt, was helping a conspiracy to try and forge evidence against the military. Taking a risk like that isn't something I'd do. It was interrupted and you were put in my custody after the fact.

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5 minutes ago, Ich Bin Ein Brot said:

I was told from within that you decided to privately rat to save your hide by stating that the NSB Commander with you, Meinulf Hunt, was helping a conspiracy to try and forge evidence against the military. Taking a risk like that isn't something I'd do. It was interrupted and you were put in my custody after the fact.

I was in imprisoned for taking photos of them arresting meinulf and then they wanted to charge me for not being willing to testify in court about him. I was also told he was ratting on the Inspektor of the NSB and myself and trying to blame me for the situation that happened with the Kommadore. I entertained this briefly by asking to see this myself in the benderblock interrogation area behind the glass where he did not rat on anyone. I'm genuinely confused on what I could have ratted on anyways.

I am also/was an NSB commander for the BSD Sektion-I.

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I am Meinulf Hunt the guy that was in the cell next to him, So I can say this right now he did not rat on me as they were all going in circles and they did not get anything. They were using scare tactics and somehow things left the BB to the interior Minister. Now I personally think I was not ratted on by the way the military acted as they left me in a room for an hour and just asked the basic questions and nothing to scare me. I think Wilhelm was sadly blamed for something he did not do.

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Of course I cant know as I was in a locked room for an hour.

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You were PK'd under the PK guideline: "On the orders of Feldmarschall, Innenminister, Vizekanzler, Konsul, Kanzler, Prinzregent, Kaiser [PK]"

From what I have been told multiple high ranking generals confirmed that you were ratting on your own department and for this you faced the consequences.

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